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"Keep me safe when I come home,

Love me like a desert rose..."


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WARNING: the following text contains mature content (smut). If you're not comfortable with it, please skip!

When I finally returned to the hospital room, Jungkook had already left. When I asked him about it, Taehyung was vague about their conversation. Judging by how emotional he looked, I decided it was better not to ask further questions. Knowing that he'd probably tell me when he was ready, I dropped every intention of tactless prying. After all, he had always been so patient with me, I wasn't going to invade his private space now.

Upon making sure everything with him was alright, the doctors finally decided it was time for Taehyung to be discharged. Yoongi had offered to give us a ride to Taehyung's house. After seeing a different side of him back at the hospital, I liked him even more now and I could sense he had warmed up towards me, offering me a friendly smile as we bid our goodbyes.

Exhaustion quickly set in the second we stepped inside. The first thing on my mind was how imperative it was for me to take a shower right away. Catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, I was nearly horrified.

"My hair looks like a rat nest," I complained, trying to run my fingers through my knotted locks.

"You're always beautiful," Taehyung walked up to me, wrapping his hands around my waist from behind. He landed a small peck on my shoulder as he pulled me closer, his hard chest pressed to me.

"And you're lying," I frowned, freeing myself from his grip not because I wanted to but because I was fairly certain I didn't smell in the most pleasant way at the moment.

He laughed. "Well, at least it's a beautiful rat nest."

I nudged him slightly, pretending to be offended. "I'll take a quick shower."

"Okay," he smiled, pointing to the kitchen. "I'll see if there's anything we can eat here," he announced and I nodded, scurrying to the bathroom with haste. I was awfully eager to get out of the dirty clothes and feel the warm water pour over my skin.

I shuddered when my bare feet met the cold ceramic floor. My mind instantly calmed down the moment I felt the hot water dripping down my hair slowly. I closed my eyes as the heat soaked into my skin, trickling down my back.

I flinched and opened my eyes abruptly when I heard the sound of the bathroom shut.

"Taehyung?" I mumbled, my voice almost inaudible under the sound of the shower water splashing against the tiles.

Without saying a word, he grabbed on the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, throwing it on the floor. Soon after his sweatpants followed it. Suddenly the short distance between us no longer existed, as he closed the gap between our bodies.

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