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"Meet me where the end begins, in echoes, where your world is me and my world is you."


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"It appears to me that he doesn't have any grave injuries, no fractures, no head trauma. He's stable for now, but we still have to run some tests just to make sure everything's okay."

"Thank you for your help, doctor," the low silky rumble of Yoongi's voice was comforting, wrapping me up like a blanket as I listened silently to his polite conversation with the doctor by the door. "I don't mean to be rude, but won't he wake up already? It's already been several hours..." He nibbled on his lip nervously.

"I understand your concern, and I can assure you he'll wake up any minute now. He was heavily dehydrated, he needs some more time to recover," the doctor smiled in a kind but distant way most professionals do. "He's young and healthy, his body will heal quickly."

"Thank you," Yoongi sighed and the doctor offered him a firm nod before stepping out.

My hands stretched out over the white sheets aimlessly. I had spent the night next to Taehyung's bed, jumping at his every movement in hope that he'd wake up. Jin had stayed with me for a couple of hours to keep me company, constantly asking if I needed anything. What I needed, in fact, was for Taehyung to wake up.

Visions of his cheerful laughter danced through my head. That was how he was supposed to look, not lying on a hospital bed, attached to an IV stand. Eyes closed, chest heaving up and down in deep breathing. The very sight of him tortured my heart, the fact that I wasn't able to move my eyes away from it didn't help me feel better.

I'd be better once he wakes up, I wanted to tell Jin, but I knew it would be useless. There was nothing either one of us could do.

At some point during the night, Jin had received a call by a co-worker, telling him to go to the police station immediately. He had offered me little to no information about what had actually gone down with Jiyoung and Yunseok, just the fact that they had both been captured and were being interrogated. In the back of my head, I realized that he probably didn't want to burden me even more. The man was an angel, I had to give him that.

A little while after he had left, Jin's soothing presence had been replaced by Yoongi's neutral and distant one. We barely exchanged any words, but I was alright with that. Truthfully, I wasn't in a mood for chit-chat and I imagined he wasn't either. By that point, I was fully aware that he wasn't a big fan of me so I just enjoyed the peaceful silence by myself. The regular beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound in the room.

"They said he's supposed to wake up any moment now," Yoongi announced with bleary eyes, his head a nest of fluffed up hair.

"I heard," I exhaled heavily and glanced up at him. He plopped his body in the chair next to me.

"I guess old habits die hard. Even when he was a kid, it was hell trying to wake him up for school," Yoongi uttered suddenly, causing me to dart my eyes to him in astonishment. The outer angles of his lips slightly curled upwards, it was as if he was almost smiling.

Was he by any chance... telling a joke?

My eyes rounded, I puffed my cheeks as I burst into a cackle of laughter. Apparently, I found it so funny that I couldn't stop, it was almost like a sort of hysterics. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that a shadow of amusement started dancing on Yoongi's face as he snorted in the form of a small laugh. He couldn't help but stifle a grin.

"Oh my God. That was so bad. And inappropriate," I smiled and inhaled sharply as I tried to catch my breath. I wiped away the little tears gathered at the corner of my eye.

"Then why did you laugh so hard?" Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Yoongi pretended to be offended. However, I could tell that he was fighting a snicker. We had both been so serious and gloomy that the sudden joke had shattered the tense atmosphere.

Unintentionally, my gaze traveled back to Taehyung. Deep in slumber, he seemed more like a child, like a little boy. So fragile, so defenseless. If I didn't know better, I'd assume he was taking a nap.

Suddenly, Yoongi cleared his throat. "I have to say, I was completely wrong," he clicked his tongue, his words making me freeze in my spot. Hesitantly, I turned around to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"About you. And Taehyung." he admitted. I furrowed my eyebrows, still lost. I had always known Yoongi wasn't fond of me. Overhearing his conversation with Taehyung about me way back, where he told him he shouldn't play with fire had only confirmed my suspicions. But why was he saying these things to me now?

"I misjudged you," he clarified, apparently having noticed my puzzled expression. "I thought you were just toying with him in an attempt to get over Jungkook."

My stomach turned upside down. I understood where Yoongi was coming from - he was looking out for his little cousin. Yet, hearing those words being said out loud still stung a little bit.

"It wasn't like that," I rasped, shaking my head. Just as I supposed, he didn't trust me and that hurt. I had never wanted to hurt Taehyung, nor Jungkook, for that matter. Truthfully, I had mustered all my willpower to push Taehyung away for his own good but my feelings had just grown too strong for me to fight them anymore.

"Apparently, it was a misperception. I admit I get a little bit too overprotective of him sometimes," Yoongi offered me a weak smile, glancing at Taehyung. "I understand now what he sees in you. You obviously wouldn't stay by his bed all night if you didn't care about him."

I nodded slowly, gulping at his sudden honesty. I glanced at Taehyung, my eyes tracing his whole body only to stop at his soft lips, slightly parting with each breath he took. Reaching out and allowing my hand to hover over his cheek, I traced his warm skin with the tip of my fingers lovingly.

"I think it's more than just "caring" now," I whispered softly, my eyes still lingering on Taehyung.

A gentle smile broke through Yoongi's face, creasing his eyes and stretching his lips for the first time. "I see," he nodded in silent understanding. A sense of calmness and comfort engulfed us as we sat there next to each other, both of us deep into our thoughts.

After what felt like about half an hour of us nodding off peacefully, Yoongi suddenly stood up, yawning lazily. Slowly, he turned around to look through the window, eyes squinting towards the sun peeking over the horizon. It was already sunrise.

His posture became oddly stiff as his face suddenly dropped. "Hey, Y/N. I think someone wants to talk to you," he said quietly.

"Hm?" I cocked an eyebrow, rubbing my sleepy eyes. Yoongi pointed his long pale finger to something in the distance. I followed his gaze through the glass to the empty hospital park.

A single male figure stood in the middle of the blossoming gardens, illuminated by the first sunrays of the new-born day. Like always, I could only make out his eyes, staring at me over his black mask, his lustrous black hair covered by a hat.

They were the very same eyes that were trying to tell me something silently back in the van. Jungkook.

My heart started beating vigorously against my ribs as my confused thoughts crashed around my brain. How come Jungkook could make his appearance whenever he pleased? Truth be told, I had the awful feeling he had something to tell me, something I could hardly bear to hear but knew was important. I desperately wanted to know what it was.

Breath catching in my throat, I shifted my gaze toward Yoongi's blank face. He settled his hands on his hips, sighing heavily.

"Go," he pressed his lips into a thin line. "I'll text you if Taehyung wakes up."

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