Vacation in Bellevue (Part 2)

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The next day, after eating breakfast with Andrea, Kevin decided to take Barbara around Bellevue. Barbara admired the view of Kevin's old city. "Hey Kevin, did you ever know what happened to your old babysitter Haley?" she asked. "I heard she got married," said Kevin, "and I hear she's expecting her first child. Her husband's a great guy." Barbara smiled and said, "Well that's good to know." Kevin then drove to the Crossroads Mall in Bellevue. And right next to the mall was The Half-Price Bookstore. "Is that what I think it is?" Barbara asked as she smiled. "Yeah, it is," said Kevin, "welcome to the Half-Price Bookstore, Barbara." He then parked the car, and he and Barbara got out of the car.

Once they were inside, Kevin and Barbara looked around the old store. "Hasn't changed a bit," said Kevin as he smiled. He looked at the children's section, feeling nostalgic. "You're right Kev," said Barbara, "I do like this place." Kevin smiled and said, "I remember when there were video cassettes here. Mom and I bought all of Don Bluth's movies here. Good times." Barbara chuckled and said, "I'd say you're old, but then I remember I'm a year older than you." They looked around the store more. They found comic books, novels, records, CDs, DVD's, magazines, and video games. "The Crossroads Mall also has a library," stated Kevin. "No way! Really?" Barbara asked excitedly. "Yes way," said Kevin. "Now isn't that just a funny coincidence?" Barbara chuckled, "Now Kevin, out of all the Don Bluth movies you've seen, which would have to be your favorite?"

"I'd say it's tied between All Dogs Go to Heaven and Titan A.E.," said Kevin. "Titan A.E. is criminally underappreciated," said Barbara, "for me, it's tied between American Tail and Secret of NIMH. Jason says he liked Land Before Time." Kevin smiled and said, "That definitely is a good film."

"Hated the sequel to Secret of NIMH though..." Barbara said grumpily, "that sequel spit on Don Bluth's legacy. Why the studios did sequels without Don Bluth's involvement, I'll never know." She scowled. "It's all about the dolla-dolla bills, yo!" Kevin joked. Barbara playfully elbowed him, saying, "Really? Adam Conover impressions?" She grinned all silly. "All joking aside," said Kevin, "there is a point. When a movie makes money for a studio, they will instantly do a sequel regardless of what the filmmaker says, and they will half-ass it for cash. And Don Bluth is no exception. Admittedly, I have soft spots for All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 and Fievel Goes West." Barbara smiled and said, "yeah, at least Dom DeLuise reprised his roles for the sequels. So I guess there's some redeeming value in those sequels. God rest his soul." Suddenly, Barbara noticed a book. She gasped in excitement, walking to it. "Oh my gosh, they have it!" she said excitedly. "What is it?" Kevin asked. Barbara showed him the book and said, "The Shape of Water!"

Kevin looked at the novel and asked, "they made a novel out of that?" Barbara nodded and said, "Yep! They didn't have it in any bookstores in Gotham, so imagine my surprise seeing the story here!" Kevin nodded and said, "Cool

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Kevin looked at the novel and asked, "they made a novel out of that?" Barbara nodded and said, "Yep! They didn't have it in any bookstores in Gotham, so imagine my surprise seeing the story here!" Kevin nodded and said, "Cool. Ironically, I haven't seen The Shape of Water." Barbara gasped and said, "You haven't?? That needs to change! Anyway I hope you don't mind if I buy this novel." Kevin shrugged and said, "Hey, every vacation needs a souvenir. Go ahead." Barbara smiled and bought the novel. "Admittedly, there were a lot of movies I regrettably missed in theaters due to college," chuckled Kevin. "I know what you mean," said Barbara, "I didn't watch The Lego Movie in theaters because I thought the film would be stupid. I thought it was going to be a shameless commercial to sell toys. Imagine how surprised I was to how good a story it was." Once the afternoon hit, Kevin and Barbara were hungry. They decided to eat at one of the food outlets at Crossroads Mall. There was one in particular that Kevin wanted to go to. It was an outlet that served Chinese food. Their chicken chow mein was one of Kevin's favorite foods at that outlet. Barbara decided to give it a go. Once she tried their chicken chow mein, Barbara could see why this was Kevin's favorite. Once they were finished with their lunch, Kevin and Barbara decided to try the ice cream at Cold Stone. Once they were finished, Barbara said, "that really hit the spot. Hey Kevin, since Bellevue is right near Seattle, do you think you could show me around there sometime?"

"Sure," said Kevin, "you know, sometimes Mom would often take me to Seattle for fun. I think you'll like what you see." And the next day, that's what Kevin did. He and Barbara toured around the city, checking out the Pike Place Market, the Experience Music Project, (EMP) the Science Center, the famous wall of gum, the aquarium, and of course; Seattle's most famous attraction, the Space Needle!

 He and Barbara toured around the city, checking out the Pike Place Market, the Experience Music Project, (EMP) the Science Center, the famous wall of gum, the aquarium, and of course; Seattle's most famous attraction, the Space Needle!

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As Kevin and Barbara were inside the Space Needle, they admired the sight of it all. "What a view," said Barbara, "could you just imagine Batgirl or Batman brooding on top of the Space Needle?" Kevin chuckled and said, "That'd probably be a bad idea. Plus the head honchos would be wondering how someone got footprints all over the Space Needle." Barbara smiled and said, "Yeah, guess you're right. Still, it was nice taking a vacation from being Batgirl these last few days." Kevin smiled, "Yeah, it was. I'm glad I could show you a part of my roots Barbara." They then kissed each other on the lips.

After a few days of this peaceful vacation, Kevin and Barbara decided it was time to go back home to Gotham. They packed their bags, and said their goodbyes to Andrea. "I'm gonna miss you Mom," said Kevin as he hugged his mother. "It was great having you around again sweetheart," said Andrea, "tell your father I said hi." Barbara smiled and hugged Andrea. "It was great meeting you Barbara," said Andrea. "It was great meeting you too Miss Beaumont," said Barbara, "don't worry, I'll keep your son safe." Andrea smiled and said, "I know you will. I love you Kevin."

"I love you too Mom," said Kevin. He and Barbara then got into the car, and drove away from Bellevue. Not only did they bring their clothes, possessions, and souvenirs back with them, but also brand new memories. It was a vacation neither of them would ever forget.

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