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Sunlight now poured through the enormous windows, the gray storm clouds receding enough to show the sun, onto the school's white tiled floor. The tall ceilings were made of tinted glass, while the hallway seemed miles long. Wide enough to fit the overflows of students every day–the space was exceptionally airy. The only sounds that echoed across the hall came from the trio's soft footfalls.

They were only about ten paces away from the nurse's office when Ben cleared his throat.

"So what electives are you in Reese?"

Reese glanced at him, taking note of his features. He looked vaguely familiar, with his dark skin and high cheekbones. He had a respectable air about him as if he physically radiated with intelligence and respect. His smile was charming and proudly displayed a row of pearly white teeth. His eyes were deep pools of blackish blue, like the ocean at night, lined with dark, thick lashes. A pair of semi-rimmed black and gold glasses perched on the bridge of his flatly sloped nose, somehow adding to his sharp look.

"I'm in art," she offered.

At this, Adam looked up from the white tiled floor, letting his gaze fall on Reese.

"Really? Me too," the pair of boys said in unison.

They glanced at each other and simultaneously exclaimed,"Bro", flashing twinning goofy smiles and busted out laughing. Reese just blinked. Boys are so...odd, she mentally declared, odd and predictable.

"Sorry we are probably freaking you out," said Adam still chuckling, "I promise we're not crazy we've just been friends for...a while."

She could tell.

Smokes, anyone could tell.

The boys seemed to work in tandem, finishing each other's sentences, and constantly understanding what the other was talking about. Reese and her cousin, Rebecca, were the same way, always able to anticipate what the other would say. Always understanding the other's jokes. In fact, sometimes it felt as though Reese, Rebecca, and Evelynn, Reese's older sister, shared a singular brain cell. However, besides her two close family members, Reese didn't really have many good friends.

"What period of art do you have?" This time it was Adam who asked the question, although prior to, he had been particularly quiet. Reese shifted her attention to him, his eyes. They were an enticing warm brown and seemed to give off a light of their own. The color of chocolate or warm coffee.

She took too long to answer.

"Third," Reese replied curtly. Turning her head, she hid her slightly flushed cheeks. When looked back, curious to see if he had noticed her hesitation, Adam just grinned.

To Reese's right, Ben flatly stated, "well would you look at that."

Her gaze shot back to him as she raised a quizzical brow. "What?"

He offered Reese no reply but gave Adam a pointed look over her head.

Adam, to her left, let out a soft chuckle as he veered his attention back to the floor. "I know," was all he said.

Blonde brows furrowed, Reese whipped her head back around to face Ben. After scrutinizing his face for a moment, she was disappointed when it was obvious she would receive no explanation as to what Adam's answer entailed from him. Ben just met her gaze and shrugged halfheartedly.

After a moment longer, she gave up and took the bait. "You know what exactly?"

"I know that you have third-period art. I'm in your class."

Oh. Reese had a record for forgetting people's names or the fact that they even existed due to her terrible memory. It wasn't that she was rude or arrogant, she was just challenged when it came to recalling names and faces. Actions, now that was a different story.

For instance, she couldn't remember the name of the kid that had bullied her back in eighth grade, saying that her forehead was too large or that she was dumb, his reasoning solely based on her being blonde, but she could drudge up every single word he had ever spoken to her. Or she remembered her mom's old boyfriend who had slapped her hand every time she brought him the wrong beer, yet couldn't recall his face. Or the countless times her mother had lied to her face about various subjects, yet Reese could only remember a certain few of the deceitful things she had said. It was an ongoing thing, forgetting. Sometimes forgetting was just easier.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "I had no idea." Reese tilted her head to better read Adam's reaction, halting her mind from going farther down the depressing train of thought.

He only shrugged and said, "it's fine", before leaving her gaze to glance behind them at the empty hall, exposing the left side of his face. This time she spotted something different, though his tan skin made them almost invisible, a line of three freckles that ran down his left temple, seeming to be paused in an infinite race towards his cheek. He suddenly looked back at her, catching her staring once again.

Another blush crept up, probably turning Reese's entire face as red as a tomato. Great.

Ben cleared his throat as they turned into the math hall, towards Reese's algebra two class. "Are you sure you are alright to go back to class?"

The boys had asked her a million times earlier, but Reese had insisted she was fine. Which was partially true. Her head was still foggy and it required most of her focus to walk in a straight line. Adam and Ben had silently positioned themselves on either side of her, just in case she fell again. She felt weak, having people watch her like she could break any moment. When she was about to protest, she stopped herself, seeing as it wasn't a terrible idea to have some barriers between her and the floor.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," she hoped it was true. The class would be about halfway through the lesson, meaning she would be walking into a silent classroom, probably drawing a lot of attention. Just dandy.

They had approached her classroom, the stale carpet crunching beneath their shoes, the dusty stench of the school invading her nostrils as she took a deep breath. 

"This is it," she claimed, slowing down. Turning to look at both of the boys, she contemplated what she should say. What were people supposed to say in these types of situations? Thank you for whacking me in the head? The pause was getting awkward, so she said what seemed most appropriate, "thanks for making sure I was okay." For caring, she added silently.

"Sorry, again," Adam said, still sheepish. "I promise it won't happen again."

Ben just gave her a small wave and started down the rest of the hall, Adam in tow.

With that, she turned and knocked on the classroom door. It opened to reveal twenty-seven pairs of eyes, all staring at her. This is going to be a long day. 

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