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In all honesty, Reese didn't want to go to her third period. Or any after that. Ever again. Her head was still throbbing thirty minutes after the event, pulsing with a new wave of pain every other second. She had to sit on her hands during class to keep from rubbing her temples. 

How could one stupid umbrella do this? 

The bell rang, giving her the relief of getting out of class, but added to the ringing in her head. 

Could someone die of a headache? 

Stepping out of the classroom, she steeled herself. It's just a headache, you're fine. Snap out of it. Pushing away her nausea, she started towards her art class.

The smell of paint, graphite, and paper hit Reese like a brick to the face. It was a comforting smell but so potent it spiked another new pain in her head. She practically fell into her chair from the agony. Groaning, she allowed her fingers to massage her temples, which didn't do much, searching the room for her new acquaintance. He strode through the door, his head not even a foot under the top of the school door. That left him a little over six feet tall, making everyone else in the room feel small. Reese, however, was not as affected by it, although she was averagely sized she had lived with tall people her entire life. Her mother, stepfather, and sisters were all around six feet tall as well leaving Reese to be the odd angle in every family photo, causing a break in the nice line of heads when they stood together. She made up for it in personality, and what she hoped was wisdom.

Adam's eyes seemed to be searching the room as well. Settling on something across the room; an empty chair. He started for it then paused halfway, angering a few kids behind him still trying to get to their seats. He either didn't notice them or decided not to care, as he abruptly turned and approached the teacher. Mr. Tolde, a man in his late forties with a receding hairline and wrinkles around his eyes from smiling so much, spoke to Adam in a brief conversation. His smiled wider in response to something Adam said and nodded his head. Adam's face was turned away; meaning Reese couldn't read his lips.

The pain had eaten away most of her concentration but focusing on something else seemed to help. Digging out her art supplies, Reese tried to think of something to draw. Today was a free day, meaning the students got to do whatever they wanted. She had always been fond of sketching people. She'd drawn her best friend a million times; her sister, about the same. Honestly, she needed someone new to draw. Maybe herself. No. Something to draw, someone to draw...

A chair scraped the floor beside her. She started and looked up to find Adam shrugging off his bag before he took the seat next to her. He casually smiled at her and began rifiling through his backpack. Stunned, Reese just sat there, jaw dropped, struggling for words. No one ever sat beside her in art. Not now, not her freshman year, or any of middle school. She always picked a secluded spot in the darkest corner and sat by herself. It's not that she didn't have friends, or that she hated people. She just didn't prefer anyone seeing her work. Only Evelynn—her tall, brunette, fit, model-worthy older sister—and Rebbecca—equally beautiful but in a softer way, gentle, goofy cousin and best friend—had seen her drawings. Should she change that now? Adam didn't seem the judgemental type, and couldn't have changed his seat just to make fun of her. Right? Can I trust you?

Adam plopped his supplies down on the short plastic table and finally glanced her way. Her expression still incredulous, he studied her for a second before opening his sketchbook and turning to a fresh page. No explanation. Nothing. Fine.

Reese copied him, opening up to a blank piece of paper. If he wanted to sit next to her fine. And not tell her why, fine.

She started drawing.

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