Bennet Charles

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After Adam dropped me off at my house I didn't waste any time. I went straight up to my room and practically ripped my computer open and started typing in my password. Opening a random search engine I quickly looked up news stories from two weeks ago and just as I remembered an abnormal article popped up.

Theodore Reynolds

Age: 17

Family: Not found

On July 23, 2019, he was caught breaking and entering into Applegrove High school and was placed in juvie for the night until they could contact his guardians. At 3:46 AM he was reported missing and has not yet been found.

The only evidence that the cops have retrieved is a video of him running in the parking lot of Applegrove High school.

I clicked on the video clip attached to the document and turned up the volume. An average height guy with dark blonde hair flashed on the screen. The image flickered right before he was supposed to slip out of view to show that he was already gone. He disappeared just as he reached the edge of the camera's range. One moment he is there the next he's not as if he randomly turned invisible mid-run. The only thing that was left behind was a small billow of yellowish-gold smoke. Gold smoke that looked exactly like the substance that had come from Reese earlier that day.

I immediately ripped my phone from my pocket and clicked on Adam's contact, making his picture flash on the screen. It was a silly picture we took at lunch three years ago when he had tried on my glasses and made a funny face.

He picked up on the second ring as I put him on speaker so I could continue my research."She's gone!" He was practically screaming into the phone, "she's gone, I can't find her, her phone is here... I can't..." His voice was almost completely inaudible and it sounded like he had just run a mile.

"Okay okay, you're fine, please calm down," I said as I stalked towards my front door, "I'm coming to you." He seemed to take deeper breaths that I could barely hear through the phone.

"Okay, Adam, who is missing exactly?" I asked in the best calming tone that I could muster.

"My mom, she is gone." 


A/N: Hiya y'all!!! So I just want to say thank you for reading!!!!!! Y'all I'm so sorry for this really horrible beginning part. I wrote it a while ago and didn't have to the patience or time to rewrite it so (o_O)

Any way sorry y'all and please feel free to comment!!!

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