Reese Wilkoks

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I was torn between telling parents about this whole thing or just trying to figure it out on my own. I was still freaking out about the random note from whoever "T" was. I kept trying to rack my brain of all of the people that I knew that's names started with that letter, but everyone that I could think of was either too nice to do anything like this, or I didn't know them that well.

At that moment, I was sprawled out on my bed staring at my ceiling thinking about what I was going to. Weighing the pros and cons I sighed and raised my hands so I could examine them. How did I do that? I could quite wrap my head around the fact that that stuff had poured out of them. My thoughts began to wander, what if we had all just imagined it? What if that wasn't real? I knew in the back of my head that I could've asked what if questions all day, but nothing would help.

I turned my hands over and then back again studying them. Why did this have to happen to me? I found nothing out of the ordinary, everything looked as it should. I finally gave in and texted my sister, who goes to basketball practice right after school. Hopefully, she would see it during one of her few water breaks. Exasperated, I sat back up and contemplated how the intruder could have gotten in without setting off the alarm. We had a deafening, load alarm that sounded when someone entered the house when my stepdad put the alarm on, which was when everyone left the house at 7:15 AM to get to our daily activities. All of a sudden, I heard the front door creak open and heavy footsteps follow. I've had the opportunity to memorize the sound of my family's footsteps and this didn't match any of them. My spine went rigid as a pole with shock aa my toes curled against the carpet. Breathing seemed a little too difficult as the unfamiliar footsteps grew closer to the stairs that led to Evelynn's room and my room. I stood upright as the sound grew even louder. I had to get out. Now. I ran to my door and took a risky look at our hallway and the methodic steps echoed around the second floor. Seeing as there was no way I could have reached the window in the upstairs living room, which happened to be the only window in the upstairs area that actually opened, before the intruder saw me I decided to silently shut my door and run to my own window. Opening the latches, I pushed up on the flat white plastic part of the window that surrounded the glass. But alas, it still didn't work. Perfect. Quietly stepping towards my closet door, I pushed some boxes back so that I could stand without accidentally touching something and making a noise. Pulse rushing, I swung the door shut and turned the knob while slowing the momentum before it closed, leaving a tiny slit so that I could see. The steps seemed to stop at Evelynn's door before continuing down the hallway to mine. I could practically hear my heartbeat in my ears when the door slowly swung open. Behind the door still, the stranger seemed to stop as if he could already sense my presence there.

The door swung open even more to reveal a boy about my age with dirty blonde hair that was messy as if he had just been in a tornado. I would have laughed at the sight if he weren't breaking into my house. He was tall and seemed glower down at everything in my room, taking everything in. He stepped out even further onto my carpet and picked something up. Still, behind the door of my closet, I re-adjusted so that I could see what it was and when I spotted it my heart stopped. It was my phone. My hand immediately went to my back pocket where it was supposed to be and obviously it wasn't there. Silently cursing myself I closed my eyes and hoped he didn't put two and two together. No kid goes anywhere without their phone anymore so if my phone was there, so was I. Well, crud muffins. I opened my eyes and saw the one thing that made me want to dig a hole and die in it.

The intruder was staring directly at me.


A/N: Sup my doods... did y'all like the suspense that I tried to incorporate????? Welp, I hope you did 'cause I had fun writing it!!!!!!

Anyway, byeeeeeee (have a blessed day)


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