Adam Hayes

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Ben had called about three minutes ago saying that he was on his way. Our houses were walking distance away from each other and only a neighborhood away. Usually, it takes him approximately it takes him six and a half minutes to get here so I sat patiently on my couch ready to call the police. My mom had been gone for an hour or so now and I was trying to think of where she would have gone without telling me or at least taking her phone with her. Coming up with no reasonable answer I instead concluded that that day was the worst day of my whole entire life. Just the summary itself was horrible. First I had knocked a girl out with an umbrella, then she well... I didn't even know how to explain that part, and then I come home and my mom is gone. What could be worse?

There was a knock at the door as Ben stepped through with a worried look on his face. He has been my best friend for over seven years now and my mom has practically adopted him. We always did everything together, he was part of the family. Stalking over to where I was sitting, he opened his arms. Sighing, I put my phone down, stood up, and accepted the much needed hug.

"When was the last time you saw her?" He asked in a quiet, calm voice. It was like I was something fragile that could break at any moment. The truth was, I felt like breaking at that moment.

"I saw her when I left this morning and I came back and she wasn't here" I said shakily, breaking the embrace. We walked over toward the kitchen and plopped in our usual spots when we hung out, which just so happened to be the kitchen counter.

Ben opened his mouth to speak but the door swung open again. Jumping off of the counter, I peered past the cabinets to get a better view of the door. Ben followed as gave him room, next to me, to see as well. Finally getting a clear view of the doorway, I saw someone I had never seen before. The stranger looked at me then at Ben with a puzzled look on his face. He looked like a completely normal kid, messy dirty blonde-ish hair, tall, and lean. The expression on his face was unreadable as I took in his sharp features and stormy, dark eyes which reminded me vaguely of Reese's. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ben's face fall as a realization hit him. Still dumbfounded, I open my mouth to speak as I round the countertop that was between us and the front door where he still stood. But before I could speak I caught a glimpse of something behind him. No, not something, someone. I stopped in my tracks and blinked a couple of times, trying desperately make sense of the situation.

Standing behind him was Reese with her eyes shut like she was sleeping and her feet were hovering about three inches off of the ground. One of the boy's hands was splayed out, palm up as smoke crawled around his fingers and up. My gaze following the path of the fog to see that it circled like a rope around Reese who was still suspended midair. He moved his other hand and my eyes grew wide as he stretched it out towards us.

My head started to spin, knees buckling and I felt like I was being dragged toward the ground. Right before I hit the floor, out of the corner of my eye I saw Ben go down as well, though I couldn't hear the impact. My senses were going dull and my mind grew foggy.

Then everything went dark. 


A/N: Another suspense chapter!!! How'd I do y'all??


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