Ghost!Levi x Reader ~ Distance

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Warning: Cursing, Mentions of Blood, Slight Angst

Summary: You meet the ghost of your favorite fictional character from your most adored anime AoT


"Y/N you're crazy if you think we're going in there with you!" your childhood friend Farlan screeched pointing to the large abandoned castle that stood behind you "y-yeah! It's not safe in there!" your other friend Isabel added, clicking your tongue you rolled your eyes turning back to the castle you couldn't help but smile at it. "Come on guys! It's exactly like the castle from Attack on Titan! Imagine all the cosplay photoshoots we could do there!" you plead as Farlan scowls. "Y/N you can go in by yourself but we're staying out here" he argued as you huffed before an idea sparked in your mind "but guys! It could be fun! You wanted to go on an adventure and here we have one!" you grin gesturing to the stone building.

"Good point big sis.. Yeah I'll join you!" Isabel cheered appearing at your side in an instant, Farlan pinched the bridge of his nose groaning inwardly "fine... I'll follow you Y/N.." he grumbled as you beamed with excitement. "Let's go!" you cheered bounding off towards the castle. Skidding to a stop you look up towards the doors 'it really does look like the old Scout HQ though... What am I thinking? AoT is fictional!' You inwardly scold yourself. "I say we split up, sound like a good idea big sis?" The redhead suggested earning an eager nod from you.

"I am not being separated from you! Isabel I'm following you since we all know what you can do in abandoned places by yourself" Farlan comments following you and Isabel to the main doors, putting all your weight to your side you creaked one of the massive doors open. Sauntering inside you glanced around in awe, looking over your shoulder to the pair walking in behind you-you sent them a reassuring smile "alright.. Time to split up, if you need help just scream Sasageyo" you tittered at the word you chose as Isabel laughed "got it big sis! See you in a while!" and with that, she grabbed Farlan's hand and took off down a corridor.

Smiling at the two you started on your own way which happened to be a set of stairs leading to another floor, taking out your phone you held it in your hand in case you needed pictures of anything or you needed the torch. Quietly whistling you looked around you at the stone corridors that had torch holders on the walls, some cracks had made their way up the walls along with some plants. Wooden doors were scattered around everywhere with faint markings on them.

"I swear this place is just like the Scouts HQ as I imagined it... I should have brought my cosplay.." you mutter quietly noticed a deserted training field outside, opposite the training field was another part of the building, it seemed like the building was in a U shape. A few silent minutes passed of slowly walking through the corridor and you came to a firm stop when you saw a door opened just a little, bright light seeped through the gap which perked your curiosity, humming silently you cruised towards the wooden door, a metal pallet was latched onto it covered with dirt. Grumbling from the filth you took out a tissue from your backpack and wiped away the dirt revealing a surprising text on the metal.

'Captain Levi's Office'

Your jaw dropped, without hesitation you swung the door open and nearly tripped going inside the room, a large wooden desk sat across from the door accompanied by a big chair and a window behind it. Bookshelves were scattered across the room as it looked like some other small room was connected to the office due to a door in the corner. "Oh my fucking god... This place... Oh my fucking.." you stampered rushing over to the desk you went behind it and yanked out the drawers that sat shut.

Papers lay neatly in the drawers as you took a page out delicately, careful not to damage it. There was neat black ink writing on the page, at the bottom was a signature you thought you would never see in your life.

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