Headcanon #16

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Request: Hey, could you do headcanons about levi meeting his fem s/o again, like they're reincarnated in a modern world and they found each other again

Warning: Cursing


¬ You were a barista at your local Starbucks

¬ You actually enjoyed your job, you had a few good friends there... Mikasa, Historia, Sasha, Eren and Connie

¬ One day when you were serving at the till you met someone, well, a man to be exact and he looked oddly familiar

¬ You felt like you have known him for your entire life yet, you've never seen this guy before

¬ He was good looking to say the least so you weren't surprised if he had a girlfriend

¬ You then found out the guy's name was Levi, Levi Ackerman

¬ Again, sounded very familiar..

¬ Turns out this Levi guy started to become a regular at the Starbucks you work at

¬ You both would occasionally have small conversations here and there

¬ Levi actually admitted he thought he knew you from somewhere, yet, he didn't know where

¬ He had just finished working as a Lance Corporal in the military

¬ Levi was a blunt man but it seemed like he knew how to make you burst into a fit of giggles or laughter

¬ It was like you both knew each other since childhood from how fast you both clicked

¬ Levi then asked you out a few months later and you of course agreed

¬ He's a pretty chill boyfriend but would literally tear the house down if he finds a speck of dust

¬ "F/N whAt ThE FUCk Is THiS?"

¬ "Uhmm dust...?"

¬ Levi then introduces you to some of his close friends Isabel, Farlan, Hanji, Erwin and Miche

¬ You, Hanji and Isabel immediately became the best of friends

¬ But don't worry you're good friends with Erwin and the others too!

¬ One time Levi brought you to the zoo for your birthday

¬ So many pictures were taken on that day

¬ You literally squealed when you saw the tigers

¬ Big floofy paws and tails!

¬ For Levi's birthday you treated him to dinner then to the movies or do whatever he wanted

¬ He ended up dragging you to the cleaning aisle in your local supermarket.

¬ "F/N look, do you see this windex? 5 star rating right fucking here"

¬ "Sounds like you're talking about a hotel"

¬ Levi would often wake up early before you do

¬ But he'd just lay there and cuddle into you while scrolling through Facebook

¬ For Valentines day Levi made you breakfast in bed

¬ This man might as well be trying to spoil you

¬ Sometimes, on rare occasions, you'd both get flashbacks of your previous life with the Titans

¬ That's when you both understood why you thought you knew each other when you first met

¬ You were both lovers in past life as well

¬ Seems like you're both made for each other

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