Headcanon #15

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Request: Can I request some lazy day headcanons with levi, I know levi is not lazy in the morning but he felt like he wants to just stay in bed with his girl.

Warning: None


¬ It was a beautiful morning outside, sun shining, birds chirping

¬ But you didn't give a shit

¬ You were too busy wrapped up in the arms of your lover

¬ Levi was spooning you from behind, head dug into your neck as he encaged you protectively against his chest

¬ Surprisingly you woke up first, usually Levi would wake up first and let you sleep in for a few more minutes before he had to drag you out of the bed

¬ Hearing him groan softly before digging his face further into your neck you held in a snicker

¬ He's too cute

¬ "Levi? It's morning~ Come on we have to get up sadly.."

¬ "No.. We're staying in bed, if eyebrows comes I'll just tell him to piss off"

¬ You weren't going to miss an opportunity like this

¬ You both would lay in bed all day cuddling, taking small naps and chatting away without a care in the world

¬ Cuddling while giving each other kisses

¬ God how you wished everyday was like this

¬ You and Levi just forget about the Military and talk about your lives outside of it, well, mostly your own since he doesn't really have anyone outside of the Military

¬ "I got two little brothers that really like the Scouts, for Christmas I remember my aunt making them little uniforms along with boots"

¬ "Sounds cute, have they wore them?"

¬ "Yep, they love them"

¬ Levi would let you rest your head on his chest as you both rest

¬ Somehow the topic of how it would be like after the Titans are defeated came up

¬ Then Levi said something about a family when the world is free from Titans

¬ You went so red

¬ lmao

¬ At least you know he wouldn't mind kids after all the shit is over

¬ More cuddles!

¬ You would have his undying affection and attention for the day which was definitely a win in your books

Love Again ~ Levi x Reader Oneshots  Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now