Rich!Levi x Poor!Reader ~ Titanic

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Request: Titanic au where levi is rose and reader is jack? I LOVE your work btw

Omfl this request made my heart go c r a z y its a brilliant idea

Btw I put Levi as the rich one basically, Y/N as the third class to put it in easier words to explain

Warning: Cursing, Angst


Sun shining through the window of the bar as you sat alongside your childhood friend Hanji in a pub next to the docks where the large black and white beauty sat as passengers getting on board, you two were betting on a pair of tickets to go on the newly made ship- The Titanic that was mere meters away from the building, the biggest ship ever to be made on earth. Of course, you bet on everything you had just for the tickets to America on the large cruise ship but it was worth it since.. What really did you have left?

''Come on girlies, you both know getting on that ship and winning against me will never happen'' the stranger teased, light stubble lining his jaw as you scoffed at him flicking your gaze through your cards you smirked. Sliding out a card that was worth more than the stranger's his mouth went agape as you smirked in triumph crossing your arms and sitting back in your chair lazily putting your hands out towards the grumbling man.

Slapping the two yellow slips into your hand he growled sending you an infuriated glare which you only sent him an innocent smile in response. ''YEAH! F/N WE GOT THEM! AMERICA! HERE WE COME!'' Hanji cheered jumping out of her seat as you smiled standing up as well. Glancing to the clock on the wall your eyes widened as you grabbed Hanji's hand and sped out of the pub shouting back to everyone inside a goodbye. ''F/N what's wrong?!'' Hanji asked as you both ran holding your little bag of belongings over your shoulder. ''Hanji we have five minutes to get on board! Come on let's go!'' you say turning back to her and sending her a wild smile which she returned.

// Levi's P.O.V \

Clicking my tongue from irritation I fixed the sleeve of my suit as we boarded the ship, my whore of a fiancée standing next to me, Petra Ral. A snot-nosed, bratty and spoiled idiot which I'm going to be forced to marry once we reach America. It was more of a one-sided love than anything, she held feelings for me but all I wanted to do was shove her off the side of the ship right now.

I mean, it'd feed the fish below so it would do no harm. Feeling Petra link her arm with my own I internally groaned and looked around, a strange sight caught my eye. An H/C female leading a four-eyed female behind her, the two were smiling like dorks as they began to board the ship. The H/C one was gorgeous to say the least but by the looks of it she was in a lower class and I was stuck with a needy fucking child.

Finally arriving on the top deck of the ship I bring Petra to our room, it's surprisingly bigger than I expected which made me somewhat happy. ''Levi~ I'm going to go around and have a wander! I'll see you later~'' she purred as I silently mimicked her before letting out a grunt of acknowledgement. Once she left I loosened my tie and took off the suit jacket. ''Fucking bitch...'' I mumble packing everything away.

Once I finished packing all her shit away along with my own I left the room and decided to go out for a stroll, surprisingly, hands in my pockets I wandered aimlessly around. A loud horn echoed throughout the entire base of the ship signalling it was setting sail.

Reaching the deck, not many people were around since they were most likely gone to their rooms or gone to eat. Small children ran around playing games as the sun shined down onto the wooden deck. A gentle breeze ghosted throughout the top deck of the ship as I walked along it, shortly arriving at a little perched up a bit I stood by the white railings leaning my arms on them as I looked out towards the ocean.

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