Levi x Reader ~ Valentines Day!

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Happy Valentine's day everyone~!

Warning: Cursing

Summary: Levi takes you out for Valentine's Day!


Grumbling you sat up from your bed bunk, the multiple empty bunks surrounding you belonging to your female friends already neat and made. Resting the palm of your hands on the soft mattress below you-you sighed flicking your hazy gaze towards the calendar on the wall next to your bunk which only made you scowl at the date.

February 14..

Valentine's Day.

Not being a big fan of Valentine's day due to the envy feeling you'd have when couples celebrate the day and you're still single. Rolling your eyes you hauled yourself up and stretched, slipping on your uniform you dusted off the jacket and put it on as well. Heading into the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face for the day you soon came out looking fresh and ready for this hellhole of a day.

Strolling through the corridors, since today was Valentine's day you had a free day off. Multiple couples sauntered around giggling and holding hands which made you internally groan, soon arriving at the mess hall you walked in ignoring the chatter that rung in your ears. Getting your food you sat down at the usual table your friends sit at, yet, nobody was there.. Strange. Shrugging it off you were about to take a bite out of your bread when another tray slammed down on the table opposite you, shooting your gaze up you came face to face with Hanji who smiled happily to you. ''Good morning Y/N! How are feeling on this lovey-dovey day?'' she snickered as you shrugged, a displeased look on your face ''bored, what else should I be feeling on this lovey-dovey day?'' you perched an eyebrow at her whilst taking a bite out of your bread.

''Oh I don't know... Don't you have your eye on a special someone?'' she smirked sipping her drink. Shaking your head to continued to eat quietly listening to Hanji hum a tune quietly as you both ate. Finishing after a few minutes Hanji seemed to be looking around the mess hall for something... or someone. Slumping over in your chair you rested your chin on the palm of your hand as it was perked up by your elbow from the wooden table. ''Who are you looking for Hanji? Erwin?'' you questioned only receiving a shake of the head from the scientist. She didn't say anything until she perked up, shooting your gaze to where she was looking she was grinning towards Levi was drinking his tea calmly.

''Shorty! Over here!'' Hanji called out waving him over, Levi's cold grey eyes wandered to you both. Sighing he stood up taking his cup and walking over sitting next to Hanji who sent him a mischievous look. ''What do you want?'' Levi asked, standing up Hanji pat his shoulder with a wicked grin. ''You two should get talking more! You both hate Valentine's day and Y/N is a grump today just like you~'' Hanji sang picking up her tray and leaving without another word. A confused look was coated on your face as you watched her wander away. Clicking his tongue Levi took a sip of his drink, a shy blush scorched across your cheeks as you averted your orbs elsewhere.

''So Y/N... Why do you hate Valentine's Day?'' Levi's voice echoed in your ears as you turned to him, biting your lower lip you glimpse down to the ground ''well.. I bet it's just because I'm still single and seeing couples suck the faces off each other isn't pleasant'' you simply answer as Levi takes another sip of his tea. ''So if you weren't single you wouldn't give a shit whether the couples around you are sucking the face off each other?'' Levi continues, humming you thought for a second before nodding at him. ''Blame it on the jealousy sir'' you sigh as Levi looks over you in curiosity ''never had a l-lover hm?'' he perked a thin brow as you frown slightly ''well I haven't since I walked in on my boyfriend fucking my best friend, that was three years ago though'' you tell him blankly.

''Tch bastard..'' Levi grumbles as you nod in agreement before sitting up slightly facing you. Cocking your head to the side you watched him place down his cup in silence. ''Why don't we g-go out for a ride... On our h-horses I mean'' Levi stutters as you smile nodding ''but get changed though.. We're going in civilian clothes'' he added as you nodded. Standing up with a smile on your lips you took your tray and glanced back down to Levi ''I'll meet you in the stables in a bit'' watching him nod you disappear to put away your tray of food and get changed.

Rooting through your wardrobe you pulled out a nice enough outfit, leggings, doll shoes, and a white blouse. Swiftly putting on your new outfit you smiled in the mirror to yourself 'damn... someones looking good... Go get em tiger!' you thought to yourself, getting your purse and leaving the dorm. Arriving at the stables your eyes were set upon the most marvelous sight you've ever seen.

Levi wearing civilian clothes which you didn't see often, he also had his horse waiting behind him. Noticing you he sent you a gentle look, sauntering over to him you clasped your hands behind your back and smiled at him. Petting his horse your cheeks lit up in bright pink. ''R-Ready to go?'' he asked as you nodded quietly, hopping on his horse he held out his hand for you to take. Gently taking his hand he helped you up, sitting behind him you wrapped your arms around his waist as his horse set off into a slow trot.

// Time Skip \

You sat opposite Levi drinking your wine as he did the same, his full attention on you which made you flustered as you both grew closer and closer from all the information about yourselves you were spewing out.

''My little sister, she's five, and she's determined to joint he Scouting Legion when she grows older... she always asks me what it's like when I go and visit my family'' you smile at the thought as Levi nods humming silently in acknowledgment. ''Is she going to be allowed to join?'' Levi asks as you shrug ''I don't really know, my mom is against the thought but my father would support her on whatever she does, she also has the biggest crush on the Commander it's cute'' you say as Levi chuckles inwardly. ''I'm really enjoying today, thank you captain'' you thank him as he nods, a pleasant look on his face as he looks at you.

''G-Glad to hear you're having a good time.. we should do it some other time Y/N'' Levi states as you take a sip of your wine. ''That's fine with me'' you giggle. 

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