Travis POV | Chapter Five

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I saw Katelyn's head go by the window, her face surprised and angry. A man with black hair and a purple version of our uniforms appeared, holding a bloody knife and laughing. Instantly, I closed both doors, the slams waking Aph's friend Sky up.
"What happened? Why'd you shut the doors?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. I pointed out the window, where the man was holding three limp bodies, one of which was Katelyn's. Sky fell out of his chair when he saw the man looking into the window. His eyes were NOT normal. They were glowing black. And the man was grinning, his teeth shining white and pointed like a shark's. Sky looked at me, his eyes wide with surprise. He and I said the exact same thing at the same time:
"We're dead."

/Garroth POV\

I watched the person kill Aaron and Katelyn, but I stayed where I was hiding. To be honest, he kind of looked like Jin's father, except for the eyes and teeth. I heard some muffled footsteps and turned around. Speak of the devil. It was Jin. He'd taken off his shoes so that the man wouldn't hear him. He whispered so quietly that if I wasn't a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard him.
"Who is he? Why does he look like my dad?" I shrugged and started taking my shoes off. Jin gasped, and I froze.
Oh no.

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