Ross POV | Chapter Six

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I moved my flashlight's beam across the kitchen, thinking about cookies, and Garroth ran in out of NOWHERE, clearly very panicked. He and I just stared at the door, him apparently waiting for something or someone. I decided I would crack a joke.
"Barging in like that wasn't very 'Rossome', Garroth." He shook his head, not amused.
"Not the time Ross. An animatronic or something got Jin. I managed to get away." He pointed to his arm, where a giant tear in his uniform had been ripped. The animatronic that apparently had been chasing Garroth started banging on the door, creating dents in the metal. Max came in from a party room, walking rather.... stiffly. He was looking at the floor as he walked, silent. He wasn't being himself. There was only one way to tell though.
" Mad Max.....?" I teased. Max stopped. He tilted his head upward just a bit, enough to see his eyes. They were a dull red-brown color, the mischievous sparkles usually in them gone. He didn't say anything, so I looked at Garroth. He barreled forward, slamming both hands right into "Max's" stomach. He doubled over, hitting a counter. We ran out the back door, terrified. That was NOT our friend. An alarm on my phone went off, signaling 6:00 AM. Kawaii~Chan, I think her name was, came running out, followed by Zane, the orange-haired witch, Dante (yes I actually remembered his name), red-haired tough girl, Little Ms. Ghost-Host, the brunette guy, and I think her name was Cadenza, the girl with fire-colored hair. We ran out to our cars, not looking back.

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