Little Brother

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Sunshine finally, after one and a half weeks, says her goodbyes to the men she actually had grown to like and then wraps her arms tightly around her husband, who also holds her tightly, then kisses her. "I wish you wouldn't go." "I wish you'd come with me... I'm going to visit Ruffy before going back to dad and the others.", she tells him softly, while staring into those deep set eyes. Ace chuckles. "I'll visit you. And you'll visit me. We'll be fine." She smiles and nods. "We always will be. Don't forget to thank Trafalgar and Killer if you meet them." "Oh I won't.", he grins, thinking back to the night before and how good it felt.. "Thank them for what?", Marco asks, confused. "Advise.", Sunny grins and the pineapple head only looks more confused.
Finally the woman places one more kiss on her husbands lips. "I love you. Stay safe!" He nods and smiles, then let's her go to her skiff and watches as it speeds off.

"I'm going to miss her.", Marco admits. Ace smiles. "I believe everyone does when she leaves. She doesn't have that name for nothing. It's as if the sun went down and it won't rise until she's back."
They all continue their ways after a while.

On the skiff Sunshine is sitting, placing a kiss on her wedding ring and then grabs for a den den mushi. She dials the number and hears it ring until a familiar voice answers. "Moshi Moshi?!" "Hello little brother? Where are you right now?"
Its a 18 hour trip for a strong devils fruit user like her and she arrives in the early morning hours of the next day. The ships crew doesn't seem to notice her so she just let's a black hole storage swallow her skiff, while flipping onto the railing, knocking on the wood. The small crew looks up and her little brothers eyes water. He runs towards her and into her arms. "Nee-san!" She smiles, gently tucking his head under her chin and brushing trough his hair with her fingers. "Hey little brother. I've missed you."

They both stay in this position for a while, as she allows Ruffy to cry into her shirt, clinging to her. "You really came!", he sniffles, looking at her. She laughs. "If course I did. I wouldn't have called you otherwise." Ruffy smiles and wants to grab the straw hat but she shakes her head. "Keep it safe a little longer. You know it was my grandpa's hat?", she says, then stops, biting her lip. He now really was related to her through Ace. She always felt close to the king of all pirates but this time it almost felt as if his blood was running through her veins.
"Grandpa?" "Well. The man dad saw as some sort of father. I am kind of related to him as well..", Sunshine smiles and Ruffy looks at her curiously. "That hat, my love, was the hat of Gol D. Roger. My dads captain until his death." The Strawhat pirates jaws drop. This hat belonged to the pirate king. The one everybody strives to become. "I gave it to you, because Dad told me a lot about him. And he sounded just like you. And I value him greatly. He is my grandfather even though he never met me.", Sunshine says, brushing over Ruffy's cheek. "And now, little brother, introduce your crew to me." Ruffy clings to her as he points at the first crew member. "This is Zoro, our super strong swordsman!", he says, grinning. Zoro sends a tired, lazy nod the way of the admittedly gorgeous dark haired woman. She smiles. "How nice to meet you." "This is Nami and she is our Navigator!" The female stares at Sunshine with sparkles on her eyes. "Teach me to be you!" Sunshine laughs. "You wouldn't want that, sweetheart." "This is Lyssop. He is..." "Kyaa! Yassops son! He'll be so jealous I met you!", Sunshine squeels, running over to the long nosed man, squishing him. "You know my dad?", he says with a muffled voice. "Do you guys even know who I am?", she laughs and then swipes Ace's Flannel, she is wearing since he never wears it anyways, from her shoulder and shows them her jolly roger. "My dad is the Yonko Red hair Shanks.", she grins before adding, "I am after him the person with the highest bounty in his crew. The name is Sunshine D. Puma." Lyssops jaw drops, so do those of the others. This woman is powerful and the daughter of a Yonko.
"Yassop talks about you all the time it gets annoying.", she giggles. Sanji, Nami, Lyssop, Zoro and Franky are nosebleeding at her giggle but she just ignores it. "Now. Boys be boys but girls are best. Who are you?", she smiles at Robin, shaking the slightly shorter woman's hand. "Nico Robin. Nice to meet you Sunshine." "Call me Sunny.", Sunny smiles and then turns to Franky. "I am superrrrr Frrrranky.", he announces dramatically and she giggles, then shakes his hand. Last but not least she greets Sanji. "I'm so sorry Ace couldn't come along, but my husband has some duties to fulfill on that bastards ship."
"Isn't he a Whitebeard pirate?" "Yes. Sadly because I hate that old geezer with burning passion." "Don't push her to explain it!", Ruffy chimes in and wraps his arms around the woman protectively. "Its okay. I talk about it more openly in a way, you know... I just believe talking about it is the beat coping mechanism to mental trauma like that." He nods slowly. "Go ahead. Ask." "Why do you hate Whitebeard? And why wouldn't someone want to be you?", Nami asks. "Well. For beginners Shanks adopted me. My real father is Whitebeard.", Sunshine drops the bomb. The straw hats gape. "I hate him because he threw my mother away like trash before I was even born, leaving her behind nothing but memories, her wedding ring and a devils fruit... He wrote me once in my entire life. That was when I turned 7. 3 days later pirates arrived on our island and killed the men, taking the women as slaves. Including my mother who, before she was taken still made me eat the devils fruit in hopes for me to survive. And I did. Obviously. But I saw all of my playmates die." The straw hats listen, their hearts heavy with empathy and pain for the woman in front of them. "Some starved. Some shit themselves to death after trying to cannibalize already molding corpses. Some killed themselves. Some more starved. We were crammed into one little cell. 17 children between age 4 and 9. In the end it looked as if there were only 8, the decomposition took care of the mass grave that was that cell. Then Shanks came. My dad came and saved me, even when I asked him to kill me. He took me in as his daughter and I sailed with them until I turned 11. Then he took me to a group of bandits where I met my little brother here and my husband." She ruffles through Ruffy's hair. "One day I'll kill Whitebeard. But as long as Ace puts his trust in him and sees him as a father I won't touch him. I know a lot about choosing a better father for the oneself and I did just choose the best one there is." She smiles in thought of the red headed man. "I'm so sorry. What happened to your mother?" "For all I know she is dead or a slave. I don't dare to really research her fate. I'm not ready to confirm her death yet. And do not pity me. All of it made me into the person I am today."

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