Part 37

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"Ruby, I'm so sorry!" Sapphire called out. "Where...? Huh?" Sapphire finds a note on the floor that has her name written on the front of it. She starts to read the letter.
"Sapphire, you were right. I need some time to think, so I am running away. - Ruby." Sapphire started to tear up. "This can't be happening. Oh Ruby, I'm so sorry. You left before I can take back all the horrible things I said to you."
Pearl takes the letter out of Sapphire's hand and reads it. "Well, Amethyst was with her, right? Maybe she knows she went." Pearl suggested.
"Amethyst, have you seen Ruby?" (Y/n) asked.
Amethyst didn't looked at them and just played her game. "Yeah, I've seen her. Huh, she asked me for a pen and paper a while ago. Why?"
Because, she ran away. Did you see where she went?" Pearl showed her the note.
"I don't know. Maybe she'll come back. It's not my job to babysit her." Amethyst said. "Hey, Steven, (Y/n)! Get over here, I need a player two and a player three!"
"Hold on a second, Amethyst. Do you see her coming back in your Future Vision, Sapphire?" Steven asked.
Sapphire cheered up. "Oh? Oh! Maybe! But... she's so wonderful... and spontaneous! I have no idea what she could... Why would she be a cowboy?!" Sapphire hugs Pearl's legs and begins to sob. Pearl kneels down to her level and holds Sapphire's hands. "There, there. It's going to be okay. She's going to come back! She's got to come back! If she doesn't then... then, there would be no more Garnet. And... what on Earth would we do without Garnet?" Pearl begins to cry. They both embraced each other and begins to sob.
Amethyst groans in annoyance. "Why don't you two take all of this into the Temple? Ugh, Steven, (Y/n), and I are going to play some video games."
"No, no, it's ok! Don't worry Sapphire, (Y/n) and I are gonna go out and find Ruby." Steven said. (Y/n) nods. "We'll be right back with her in no time." Both Steven and (Y/n) left, soon Amethyst ran after them." Yo Steven, (Y/n) wait up! I'm coming too." I don't think Ruby used the Warp pad. She said she was running away, not warping away and she's usually pretty literal. We just need to figure out which direction she ran in.
"So, how will we start on finding Ruby?" (Y/n) asked. "Uh..Let's try putting ourselves in Ruby's shoes." Steven suggested. Amethyst then shape-shifts into Ruby. "Heh, now what?"
"Amethyst, please be serious about this." (Y/n) scolded. "She could've only gone in one of two directions, either into town, or into the ocean."
Steven and (Y/n) were in his bubbles as they were calling out for Ruby, while Amethyst was walking around in the ocean. They could find Ruby so they headed back to shore. They decided to go walk around Beach City. They continued to called out Ruby's name, that's when Amethyst nudges a seashell gently with her foot. "Ruby?"
"I don't think Ruby's hiding under a seashell, Amethyst." (Y/n) said. "Maybe Ruby shape-shifted really small! You never know." So, Amethyst shape-shifts really small and goes inside the seashell. "What a spacious house! I'll keep it." Steven picked up the seashell. "Amethyst..You know that me and (Y/n) love these great goofs but..." Steven sighs. "I'm worried about Ruby, can you stop messing around and turn back to normal?"
Please, Amethyst." (Y/n) pleads.
"You two are the bosses." Amethyst shape-shifts back to her normal size and falls onto Steven. (Y/n) goes up to them and helps them up.
Steven, and (Y/n) and Amethyst went to Greg's carwash, but still no sign of Ruby. So everyone went to  house Vidalia's and made post to find Ruby. They head into town and passed the copy of paper and asked anyone if they have seen Ruby. They tried and tried, but they couldn't find her. They stopped by Fish Stew Pizza.
"She's not in here either... This is where I'd go if I was feeling down... Pizza always cheers me up." Steven said. "So... Why don't we get some?" Amethyst suggested. "But, we have to continue looking for Ruby." (Y/n) told.
"Guys... It's cool you two wanna help Ruby, but... What about the both of you? Come on... Let's forget about Ruby for a moment and get some pizza!"
"I'm not hungry!" Steven exclaimed.
"Me neither!" (Y/n) exclaimed.
Then both of their stomachs growls.
"Okay maybe we're a little hungry." (Y/n) said bashfully.
They ordered a pizza with literally everything on it. After Kiki left, they begin to have a conversation.
Amethyst starts. "So... Pink Diamond, huh?"
"Yep..." (Y/n) said.
Amethyst takes a bite of her pizza. "Mmm... Rose Quartz, eh?"
"Mm-hmm.." Steven hums.
"So... all this time... you thought Rose was this rebel leader, but... she was just rebelling against herself?
Steven Apparently.." Amethyst analyzes. "And the diamond that Rose supposedly shattered. I mean... You've got it. It's right there under your shirt, Steven and she's your aunt, (Y/n)."
Steven lifts up his shirt and glances at his gem, while (Y/n) traces a finger over her gem. They both nodded.
"So... how are you two feeling?" Amethyst asked "I feel... confused. I-I thought I'd really finally got it.. that Mom didn't have everything figured out, even though everybody put her way up on this pedestal, but... now I guess she's royalty too?" Steven explains his feelings. "I'm relieved that she didn't shatter anyone, but... she lied to everyone. I mean... I'm not surprised. I knew she was a liar. But this is just... so much."
"I also upset. I was sick and tired of being kept in the dark by the Diamonds for too long and another secret comes up that Rose Quartz is really my Aunt Pink. I wanted to get to know her, but I'm not too sure anymore. I can't tell if I should consider her as family or an ex-enemy. Since now I'm a Crystal Gem." (Y/n) sighs.
"But like... aren't you both mad?"
"Kind of? I don't know... I can see how she was good and bad... and bad and good. But I... I guess what really matters right now is how hard Garnet took it."
Amethyst slams her hands on the table. "But what about you two ?! She's your mom! And we just found out that she's your aunt! Steven, you were always under all this pressure to be like her! (Y/n), you were pressured to be a Diamond like her and be all proper and all you wanted was to get to know her! But... Was she even like her? Was anyone ever like her? She was supposed to be so great! She was supposed to know everything... And... ugh... She was supposed to make everything better! It's not fair! We shouldn't have to deal with any of this, we shouldn't have to fix any of this, we weren't around for a stupid war! This... is everyone else's problem... This has nothing to do with me... And you two ! This has nothing to do with any of you!" Amethyst screams. "Amethyst...Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked.
Amethyst slams her hands on the table again. "No! I mean... Yes! Of course, I'm okay! Ugh... I'm trying to find out how you two feel about all this! Ugh! She... Your mom, and your aunt okay? Doesn't really affect me."
They heard Jenny walking in and told Kiki that Greg was on Brooding Hill comforting a little friend. They heard that the little friend must've been crying because she was like really red.
Amethyst, (Y/n), Steven exclaimed. "Ruby!"
Amethyst stood up. "Let me handle this, Steven and (Y/n)! No more adult should be putting anything else on the both of you. Just let someone else take care of it for once!" Amethyst walks outside. Steven and (Y/n) follower her. "Amethyst, wait! There's someone else who needs help even more, and it's you! Amethyst, we need to talk!" Steven screams. Amethyst shape-shifts into a helicopter. Uh... Can't help buds..Going to find Ruby!" Amethyst started to flying away as (Y/n) and Steven jumps on her back. "Amethyst please, let us help you with your feelings!" (Y/n) yells.
"Get off my back, dude!" Amethyst barks.
"Come on! You can-Talk to us!" Steven struggled to talk. "If you open up you'll feel so much better!"
Steven loses grip. (Y/n) caught his hand and pulls him up to Amethyst's head area. "Come on! You're hiding something!" Steven shouts.
"Get out of my head, guys!" Amethyst shouts.
"Are we getting too personal?" (Y/n) yelled questionably.
"Dude, you two are literally inside my head!"
"Amethyst, look out!" (Y/n) warns her.
Amethyst cranes and the three of them flies towards the ground.
"Amethyst, Steven are you both alright?" (Y/n) stood up and walks towards them.
"I'm fine." Steven raised his hand.
"You wanna know how I feel (Y/n)?!" Amethyst barks.
"I thought Steven and I were pretty clear about that.."
"I thought I was pretty clear too! I feel like I don't wanna say,"What about me?" Okay!? And I don't want to be bent out of shape! I don't wanna be stuck in the past, and I'm not responsible for what Rose did! None of us are! Not the both of you... Not Pearl... And not Garnet! But I am responsible for me! And right now, I am NOT gonna dump another thousand-year-old complex on you or anybody else! I'm ending it right here! I am the ding dong sunshine future, your friend forever! And I'm not gonna fall apart on you." Amethyst spoke out her thoughts. "So Steven. (Y/n)... How do you two feel?" She asked.
"Pretty good." Steven smiled.
"Same here." (Y/n) smiled. "Good."Amethyst sits next to Steven and (Y/n). She then lays down. "Have you been trying to cheer us up this whole time?" Steven asked. "Yess... Geez...Ugh... Don't you two know you both deserve it? You... Great... People ..."
"Hey, Amethyst? I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but you've surprising matured yourself into a mature Crystal Gem." (Y/n) giggles. "Oh...Oh no...Oh gross! That's what this is, isn't it?" Amethyst playfully whines. "Yeah...Pretty much." Steven spoke. Amethyst starts to pound her legs & arms gently on the sand. She continued to whine playfully, cause all three of them to laugh.
Amethyst sits up. "You two still wanna find Ruby?" Steven and (Y/n) nods. "Yeah."
"Alright. Let's go." Amethyst turns herself back to a helicopter with Steven and (Y/n) hanging onto her. They flew towards the hill where Greg & Ruby are seen talking.
"There they are!" (Y/n) pointed.
"Target spotted!" Amethyst yells.
"Let's go in for a landing!" Steven commands.

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