Part 73

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As everyone was heading towards the injector, (Y/n) taps on Xipilli's shoulder. "Xipilli, how exactly did you meet Spinel?"
"I met Spinel when I was able to fix my pod, but it crashed landed in the garden. I told her about myself and she told me about herself. Next thing we knew we became friends and plot our revenge on you and Steven." Xipilli explains. (Y/n) places her hand on his shoulder. "Now you both have a chance to start over." Xipilli smiles at her and places his hand on top of her's.
Everyone finally made it to the injector. Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth are observing the data on Peridot's tablet. Which shows the fluid is now reaching critical mass.
"That sounds bad." Lapis comments. "That looks bad." Bismuth said. "That is bad. We're hitting critical mass." Peridot explains.
"Looks like we made it just in time." (Y/n) spoke.
Peridot shrieks. "(Y/n)! What's the status on Spinel?"
"She's back, and she's here to help."
Xipilli takes Spinel's hand as he leads her to the injector. She turns her finger into a horn and commands the injector to remove itself from the Earth's crust. Everyone cheers at this development.
Steven sighs in relief. "Thanks, Spinel."
"Aw, gee. What are friends for?" Spinel said sheepishly as she shakes his hand.
"Okay. We've almost cleaned up this mess. Now, all we need are Garnet's memories and my powers, and we can all get back to living happily ever after. What could work for Garnet? Something about fusion... something about love..."
"What about us?" Spinel asked as she held Xipilli's hand. "What do you mean?" (Y/n) turned to them.
"Is that all you needed us for? To turn off our injector?"
"No. Well... sort of, but --" Steven tried to explain.
"Well, what now? I-I-I did what you wanted. That's it?" Spinel continued to questioned him.
"Well, yeah. We can just... forget this whole thing ever happened."
"How you gonna forget with me around? Xipilli and I are the source of all your problems. Don't pretend you want me here. What's your plan for me, huh? You gonna put me somewhere? You gonna leave me somewhere? You gonna leave me alone?!"
"Spinel! Calm down!" Xipilli puts in hands on her shoulders. "Don't act like you don't care, Xipilli. I know you're going to leave me alone! You're going with (Y/n) just to see the Diamonds and forget all about me!"
"Spinel that's not true!" He shakes her shoulders. "Spinel..." Steven moves towards them.
Before Steven can console Spinel, she smacks him and Xipilli, knocking them back and causing the Gem Rejuvenator to slide out of Steven's jean pocket. Upon seeing the Rejuvenator, Amethyst and Pearl jump away from the weapon in fear.
"Oh, what's this?" Garnet proceeds to pick up the Rejuvenator.
"Garnet! Wait! Don't!" (Y/n) runs up to her, but Garnet turns it on.
"Why do you have that?" Spinel questioned. "I-I was just carrying it. I-I didn't have anywhere else to put it." Steven tried to explain. "We can just forget this ever happened"? You mean I can just forget this ever happened!" Spinel begins to laugh hysterically. "Wow! What a plan! I turn off the Injector, and then the moment my back is turned, Bam! Presto! Change-o! Problem solved! Well, think again. You're not getting rid of me that easy." Spinel again turns her finger into a horn and commands the injector to smash into the Earth's crust.
Everyone runs away as the injector smashes into the Earth's crust, splashing its bio-toxin everywhere and knocking everyone back.
"I'm not letting you get one over on me, Steven Universe." Spinel appears from the smoke.
"Spinel, stop it!" Xipilli runs in front of her.
Spinel stares at him in shock and suddenly laughs menacingly. "I get it now. Since you found out that you and (Y/n) are cousins now, you're going to forget all about me!"
"Spinel! That's not true!"
"I bet you were part of their plan to erase my memories!"
"Spinel, we weren't going to wipe your memories." (Y/n) tried to reason with her. "You expect me to believe that you want me like this?" Spinel questioned angrily.
Garnet peeks out over the crater, looking down at them. "Steven? (Y/n)? Why are you two fighting? Aren't we all friends?"
"Looks like we've still got an audience. How about a front-row seat?" Spinel pulls Garnet to her, coiling her arms around her body as she holds her hostage.
"Garnet!" Steven and (Y/n) called to her.
"You know, this is pretty twisted, but I'm a little flattered that you liked the old me -- innocent, loving, stupid. If that's your thing, why don't you leave her like this?" Spinel taunts. "Get away from her." Steven holds out the Rejuvenator. "Oh, you're so protective of your real friends, and you're so careless with your fake ones!" Spinel yells. "Stop it. Please." (Y/n) pleads. "Then stop me! You wanna attack me. Just admit it. Or better yet, just try it!" Spinel taunts more. "No!" Xipilli exclaims. "Why not?" Spinel argues.
"Because that's not the truth!" All three cousins scream as Steven breaks the Rejuvenator in half. This was enough to jog Garnet's memories.
"The truth." With an unprecedented force, Garnet suddenly breaks free from Spinel's grasp. "I've known hardships and confusion, but love can live through it all if you face the truth together." As her memories begin to flood back, Garnet begins to finally regenerate, engulfed in a bright white light.
"The truth. Her final piece." (Y/n) gasped. "No. Stop! Don't you dare!" Spinel grabs a boulder and hurls it to crush Garnet, but fails when Garnet breaks it with her fist as she begins to sing.

Garnet: Oh, when a difficult day goes by
Keeping it together is hard but that's why
You've got to try
You've got to try
And when there's a thundering storm outside
Underneath the covers you huddle and hide
Open your eyes
Open your eyes

Garnet reforms to her old self as she helps Steven and (Y/n) up. Xipilli stares at the fusion in awe. Amethyst and Pearl gasped at seeing Garnet.

Garnet: It's the true, it's the true
It's the true kinda love
It's the true, it's the true
It's the true kinda love

One by one, they all gathered around Garnet in an embrace. As (Y/n) hugs Garnet, she turns her attention to Xipilli. She holds her hand out for him to join. Her hesitates at first, but he gladly accepts.

Garnet: Stuck in the middle of fear and shame
Everybody's looking for someone to blame
Like it's a game
Like it's a game
And now I am better than "win-or-lose"
There's a new direction that I'd like to choose
It's called the truth
It's called the truth

Angry, Spinel attacks Garnet, but Garnet blocks the attack with her gauntlets and tosses her to the side. Spinel tries to attack the Crystal Gems, but Amethyst swings from the Injector with her whip, and kicks Spinel toward one of the injector's legs. Like a coil, Spinel bounces away from the injector ready to harm Steven, (Y/n), and Xipilli. Garnet grabs her ankles before she can do so. Amethyst and Pearl grab her wrists, stretching her till they fling her toward her injector. Spinel grins evilly as she bounces to the top of the injector and blows a massive horn, causing all the bio-toxin to flood Beach City. All citizens began to evacuate from the Beach City to reach for safety.
"We have to stop Spinel." Garnet said. "Wait. You guys have your powers. You've gotta go save everybody. I'll deal with Spinel."  Steven explains. "Not only you're not. I'm coming with you." (Y/n) spoke. "I'm coming too. She's my friend." Xipilli steps forward.
"She'll crush you, guys." Amethyst argued. "You three can't fight her." Pearl adds.
"But we can still talk to her. Please, hurry." Steven instructed. "Right. Move out." Garnet ordered.
The three Crystal Gems fuse into Alexandrite and save the citizens with the other Gems, Connie, and Greg. During the rescue, the bio-toxin wave hits Greg's left arm, turning it almost necrotic as he quickly drives the other citizens to safety. Connie is seen with Wolf and Lion saving anyone who need help. They teleport to Little Homeworld as other gems came to give blankets to anyone. Sour Cream walks over to Connie and asked where was (Y/n). She points to the injector as they stared at the giant object with concern. Xipilli and (Y/n) wrapped their arms around Steven's as they leaped towards the injector. Once they've reached half way on the injector they nearly slipped off, but (Y/n) summons her katana to stopped them from falling. So, the three cousins continued their climbing to reach Spinel.

Steven, (Y/n), and Xipilli: Hey, you, show us that solvable problem
We can get through this
We'll do the hardest part with you

Steven, (Y/n), and Xipilli began to sing as they continued to climb the injector to try to reason with Spinel.

Garnet: It's the true, it's the true
It's the true kinda love
It's the true, it's the true
It's the true kinda love
It's the true, it's the true
It's the true kinda love
It's the true, it's the true
It's the true kinda love

Everyone stared at the injector as they were placed in Little Homeworld for shelter. Steven, (Y/n), and Xipilli slowly reached the top as they collapsed from exhaustion. They slowly rises up and walked over to Spinel.

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