Part 62

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Steven picks up two flowers from the hill and sticks his pinkie finger in his mouth, using the spit to restore the flowers he picked. He passes one flower to (Y/n), who puts the flower in her hair. He then lays on the hill with the lighthouse with the others.
"I want everything to stay exactly like this and never change." Steven spoke
"Agreed." Pearl laid her on stomach. "Here, here." Amethyst lays on her back with her arms as cushions. "You said it." (Y/n) also laid on her stomach.
"How's the future look, Garnet? Do we all stay just like this forever?" Steven asked. Garnet smiles and adjusts her visor, then frowns as she sits up. "No."
A strong wind blows in and a shadow covers the hill. Everyone quickly stood up and stared at the clouded over sky, which opens as a strange injector-like ship lowers, tilting to point toward the hill. Two silhouette are seen at the top of the ship.
"Hey! Are you Steven Universe?" A female voice asked. "And are you (Y/n) Diamond?' A male voice asked.
"Um... yes?" Steven and (Y/n) answered confusedly.
"Perfect." The strangers grinned.
The female silhouette's finger transforms into a giant horn, and she blows it, causing a sharp point and legs to emerge from the ship.
everyone moves away from the ship as the legs attach to the sides of the hill, and the point drills into the center of it.
"Hey. Nice park job, dingus." Amethyst commented sarcastically.
As the point drills further and pink liquid inside the ship gurgles, the figures standing on the top of the ship jumps down to the bottom. Finally being able to see them the male figure was covered in a cloak as his eyes were covered, revealing half of his face and half of his yellow gem from underneath. Then it reveals the female figure and her gem is an inverted heart, flashes in the light as she looks up and cackles.
"Well, well, well, well, well. Lemme get a look at the menagerie." She shapeshifts her hand and eye to act as a telescope." You must be Amethyst. You must be Garnet. And Pink Diamond's Pearl. Wow. She took you with her. Isn't that just -swell?" She gritted her teeth.
"It can't be." Pearl stared in disbelief.
The female gem laughed. "Oh, but it can be, and it is. I got a new style, a new friend." She places her hand around the male gem's shoulder. "And a few new toys that are gonna put an end to your happily ever after once and for all!"
"Whoa, whoa. This has gotta be a misunderstanding. In case you haven't heard, I've established peace across the --" Steven was interrupted. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've heard! I've had your little message to the universe on loop" She stretches her leg to kick Steven's face.
"Steven!" (Y/n) kneels to Steven. As she looks over him, arrows struck near her. (Y/n) looks up and saw the male gem aim at her. "We've already heard enough of both of you!" The male gem said with venom in his voice.
The Gems generate their weapons.
"I just love that part where Pink Diamond spends the rest of her days on this nowhere planet with a bunch of nobodies!" The female gem uses her arms as springs and bounces around. She turns to her friend. "Let's go!" The male nods and follows her down. She then begins to sing.

That's right we've heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends
That's right we've heard the story, don't really like how it ends
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends
What did she say about me? What did she say?
What did you do without me? What did you do?
Did you play games without me? What did you play?
Did you think all this time that I wouldn't find out about you?
That's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends

The female gem springs over to Steven and (Y/n). She then goes over to the gems as she messes around with them. She grabs Pearl and shakes her legs around like a rag doll. She uses her feet to kick Amethyst around. Then she wiggles Garnet around with her wiggling arms. Finally she slithers over to Steven and (Y/n) as she uses her limbs to wrap around them. The male gem shoots his arrows around them to startle them causing them to huddle closer to each other as his friends laughs at them. She grabs her friend and they are seen in top of the lighthouse.
"They're running circles around us." Garnet rises up. "I'm rusty. Give me a break!" Amethyst complains. "It really is her, but she can't be serious." Pearl was in shock. "You know her, Pearl? Can you tell us who she is?" Steven asked. "And do you happen to know about her friend?" (Y/n) questioned.
Both the mysterious gems gotten offended and the female gem continues to sing.

Who are we? Who are we? What are you even saying?
We're the losers of the game you didn't know you were playing!
Let's play another game this time we get to win
Lives on the line
Winner takes all
Ready or not
Let's begin!
Oh, that's right we've heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other friends
Oh, that's right we've heard the story, don't really like how it ends
Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other
Other friends

She takes out a Gem Rejuvenator. The male gem uses his arrows to distract Steven and (Y/n) as his friend slashes the physical forms of Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl poofing them instantly.
"That's enough!" Steven and (Y/n) summon their weapons.
"Aw, what's the matter, Steven and (Y/n) ? Miss your friends already?" The female gem taunted.  "Well, don't worry. You're right behind 'em!" The male gem aims at them once more as his friend jumping up into the air and lashes downward at Steven and (Y/n). Their weapons disappear. The Rejuvenator's glowing pink circuitry spreads around their bodies briefly, until they successfully shakes it off.
"That was nothing!" Steven laughs proudly. "Is that all you two got?" (Y/n) smirks. Suddenly the female gem giggles at them. "Then I guess you won't mind if I do it again!"
The male gem jumps behind them and hold them back with his bow as his friend slashes wildly at Steven and (Y/n) with the Gem Rejuvenator while cackling maniacally. With enough of the pain, (Y/n) throws her head back at the male gem which caused him to release them as he holds his nose in pain. "I'll take care of him." (Y/n) said as Steven nods at her. She and the male are in hand-to-hand combat as Steven grabs onto the scythe-like weapon and struggles against the female gem's grasp.
"Cut it out!" Steven exclaims. "You two don't poof, do you? Hmm. Figured as much. Just wait! Your human halves won't stand a chance against mine and my friend's injector. Not after what we just did to your gems!" The female grins evilly. Steven grunts. "What are you talking about?"
"You two weren't always powerful heroes, were you?" She lets out one last manic laugh, Steven wrests control of the Gem Rejuvenator and cleaves her physical form in half, poofing her instantly.
(Y/n) successfully was able to pin down the male gem as his face was pressed to the ground. "Give up! My cousin's defeated your friend!"
The male gem's eyes widen at his friend's gem was on the floor. "No!" He kicks (Y/n) off of him. He rans off to the edge of the cliff and leaps away. "This isn't over! I'm coming back for her!"
"Get back here!" (Y/n) runs after him, but she stopped. She stared at him as his figure becomes smaller and smaller. She sighs in frustration and walks over to Steven. They both collapsed to their knees from exhaustion. Steven puts the weapon down and reaches for the gem in front of them. "Better bubble you before anything else happens."
Steven attempts to bubble the gem, but it pops instantly. He attempts to bubble the gem again, but no results. "Where's my bubble?"
"Let me try." (Y/n) grabs the gem and focus her energy to form a bubble. As a blue bubble was about to form it pops likes Steven's. She tries again, but still nothing. They were exhausted from trying to bubble the gem and panted from their sudden lost of energy.
"What's going on?" Steven turned to (Y/n). Fear was written on her face. "What did they do to us?"

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