Part 43

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Steven and (Y/n) wake up in a strange place.
Connie pops out with tears in her eyes. "Steven! (Y/n)!"
"Connie, what's wrong?" Steven asked. "Come on, please wake up!" Connie cries. "Connie! We're awake! We're fine!"
"Come on, guys. We need you."
Steven and (Y/n) saw their unconscious bodies in front of them and freak out.
"What the hoo-hah?! Huh,well this is new. What is this place?" Steven looks around.
"I'm not even sure what this place is." (Y/n) stood next to Steven. They both see that they're on top of Connie's head, which represents her mind. Garnet's, Amethyst's, Pearl's, Bismuth's and Lapis' are also seen.
"What else have you got?! I've only just begun to fight!" Lapis was zapped by Yellow and poof back into her gem.
(Y/n) gasps. "Lapis!"
Steven and (Y/n) look up to see Yellow and Blue's mind, which has strong auras surrounding them.
"Connie, are you seeing this?" Steven asks.
"Wake up, please!" Connie pleads. (We're supposed to be in this together, remember?)
They could hear Connie's thoughts.
"Uh, Connie, we're o-kay?" Steven walks threw her. Connie felt Steven's presence. "Huh? Steven?"
Steven holds Connie's hand, while (Y/n) places a hand on her shoulder. "Connie, it's us!"
"Wha-where are you? How are you guys...?" Connie was looking around for them.
"We're not sure, but I think it's a classic psychic ghost type situation." Steven hypothesized.
"Ah, of course! So, what's the plan?" Connie asked.
"The Diamonds won't listen to us out there, but maybe (Y/n) and I can get through to them here. They gotta know Pink Diamond wasn't shattered." Steven explains. "Please protect our bodies while we're gone."
"Got it. Good luck out there, you two."
Steven and (Y/n) jump up to Garnet's mind
(This is it. I've got to hold it together. I've got to hold everyone together!) Garnet thought.
"You can do it, Garnet! Remember: You're made of love!" Steven and (Y/n) said  simultaneously.
"Steven? (Y/n)? (Huh, always full of surprises.) Garnet soon punches faster.
(Don't get shattered, don't get shattered, don't get shattered!) Amethyst pleads in her head. "You can do this, Amethyst; I believe in you!" (Y/n) shouts supportively.
( (Y/n)? I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!) Amethyst whips faster.
(I won't give up. Everything I do, I do it for her! I do it for him!) Peale shoot lasers from her trident. "Don't forget about yourself, Pearl!" Steven shots. (I do it for me!)  Peale uses her trident to slice.
(I just got my friends back, and now, I'm gonna lose 'em again?!) "We can do this, together!" Steven and (Y/n) shout in union. (What am I thinking? We haven't lost yet!) Bismuth stands up and fights.
Steven and (Y/n) lands on Peridot and Lapis's gemstone.
"Hang in there, Peridot." Steven comforted. "You too, Lapis." (Y/n) adds.
Steven and (Y/n) fly towards the Diamonds.
"Mother. Aunt Yellow." (Y/n) whispered.
(How miserable. I knew Pink couldn't handle her own colony. But, I gave in. And now, I'm to blame for her fate.) Yellow's thoughts knock Steven and (Y/n).
"Ah, her thoughts are too strong!" Steven floats to Blue.
(What good will any of this do? The more I make these Gems suffer, the more I long to see you again, Pink.) Steven is knocked again. He tried one more time and succeeded. "Blue Diamond, please listen!" Steven wasn't able to finish since the aura knocks him again.
Blue gasped. "I felt something. Someone."
"Steven! It worked try again!" (Y/n) instructed. He nods and swims back to Blue. "Pink isn't gone! I can explain everything if you just stopped this fighting!Wooaahh!" He is knocked once more.
"There it is again." Blue said.
Yellow looks at Blue. "What are you jabbering about?"
"A presence! It feels like..."
"Please, Blue. You're being hysterical. More so than usual."
(Y/n) swims to Yellow. "Listen, Aunt Yellow. Aunt Pink's fate is different than you think. She faked her shattering!" (Y/n) was knocked away from her.
"This feeling. I know it!" Blue comes together with Yellow. "It must be a trick! Show yourself, foe!" Yellow demands.
"We're not your foe. Please just listen to us." Steven pleads.
"There!" Yellow points.
Both Diamonds blasts surges of energy onto Steven and (Y/n). With enough energy, Steven was emitting a pink aura, which shocks them and stops them from attacking. His gem is seen glowing. (Y/n) places both her hands on his shoulders to transfers her power into him.
"(Please, the fighting has to stop. We aren't enemies. We're family. Please listen to me/him. We need you to know who I am/he is!) Steven and (Y/n) shout in their minds.
Blue gasped. "Impossible!"
"This aura..." Yellow was in shock.
Both their hands come out to catch Steven and (Y/n) as they floats down.
(Y/n) gasps for air as she awakes. She turns to see Steven still unconscious. "Steven..." she places a hand on his cheek. He suddenly wakes up and gasped as he sees everyone looking at him in shock. 
Blue tears up. "It's you... Pink!"

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