Part 64

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Peridot was viewing the injector with a pair of binoculars after Steven, (Y/n), and the others had arrived.
"They rode in on that?!" Peridot removed her binoculars. "Yeah. She said our human halves wouldn't stand a chance against her injector." Steven explains. Bismuth splits off from the group to think, accidentally overstepping her boundaries and coming a little too close to Sapphire which was enough to trigger a growling Ruby.
"What does that mean?" Lapis asked. "Why don't we just ask her or that friend of her's?" Peridot suggested.
"Well, here's the thing." Steven spoke, but Spinel creeps up from behind Steven and (Y/n) as she pokes at their shoulders. "Hmm? What? Where'd she --"  Spinel pops up from behind Steven, startling him. "Surprise!" She laughs.
"Here she is, our new best friend, Spinel." (Y/n) introduced. Spinel bows dramatically at them as she held Steven's arm. "A pleasure to meet you all."
"I thought you said she was just trying to kill you two." Bismuth said. "Wow. Quick turnaround." Lapis commented. "No kidding. It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven." Peridot told. "I say it took me a day, day and a half?" Bismuth shrugged. "I'm still on the fence." Lapis jokes. This caused the three of them to share a laugh.
"Alright, let's see this thing she hit you guys with." Peridot walked over to Steven. "Uh, right." Steven pulls out the Rejuvenator and hands it to Peridot. She begins to examine the object. "Whoa. Was there, like, uh, a laser or --"
Bismuth hurriedly snatches the object from Peridot's hand. "Be careful with that. It's a rejuvenator." She actives the weapon. "Homeworld used to use these things on Gems that started steppin' out of line. One hit with're back to how they made you." Bismuth sadly looks at Ruby and Sapphire.
Ruby preforms a protective stance in front of Sapphire. "What are you lookin' at?"
"Oh, my stars, I touched it! I could have lost all my character development. Wait, how did you two survive being hit by that thing, Steven and (Y/n)?" Peridot questioned. 
"I-I think we didn't. Our human half kept us from poofing, but -- but our gem halves -- it took the hit." Steven stuttered. "She sent us back. It's like I'm a kid again."
"And like me when I first became a diamond. I didn't know I had these powers. We can barely control our powers." (Y/n) adds. "How do we reverse this? Oh no. Do we need to get my mother and aunts?"
Bismuth hands Steven the Rejuvenator back.
"You're the ones with healing powers. If anyone can fix this, it's the both you." Lapis explained. "I can't believe this. For the first time in years, everyone's in danger. Everybody needs us, and we're useless. Bismuth, what do we do?" Steven asked. "I'm sorry, guys. I don't know." Bismuth sighs.
Steven and (Y/n) turned their gazes to Ruby and Sapphire. "Garnet would know what to do. Garnet always knows what to do." (Y/n) tears up as it effects everyone. Spinel appears next to (Y/n) and Steven as she wipes her tears away. "Hey, don't be sad. Your new best friend, your new best friend, your new best friend, YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND Spinel, is here!" She laughs and sings around them.
Steven and (Y/n) refuses to acknowledge Spinel's attempts to cheer them up. Steven then begins to sing. 

Steven: Here we are in the future
Here we are in the future and it's wrong
Just asecondago, we weresinging this song
And now, they're gone,because of her
Happily ever after, there we were

Steven sits down. He picks up his phone and looks at the picture he took from early with a sad expression on his face.

Bismuth: When has it ever been easy?
Hasn't it always been hard to be us?
When you go against the grain
There's always somebody around you can't trust
That's why we've got to have each other
While we'll figure this out, we must!
Because we are the Crystal Gems
And we never give up
We never give up on our friends
As long as one of us is standing to brandish the star
We'll find a way
To save the day
That's who we are

Bismuth sings her words of encouragement as she hugs Peridot and Lapis. She points at the stars at Steven's shirt and (Y/n)'s necklace as they examine it. She, Peridot, and Lapis do a dramatic pose to encourage Steven and (Y/n).

(Y/n): Here we are in the future
Here we are in the future and it's wrong
Look at them, they're not even singing along

Steven and (Y/n): If I could've just stopped right there, we'd be
Totally fine
Totally us
Totally me

(Y/n) walks away and looks at her friends. She gestures to Ruby and Sapphire she sings her line. Steven joins her as they look over at Little Homeworld.

Bismuth: Even if it takes a thousand years to get them back, we will
They may not know who they are, but we do
Believe me, Steven and (Y/n), I've known them longer
I've seen them get through worse and come back stronger
That's why I believe in them
And I believe in you!
Because we are the Crystal Gems
And we never give up
No, we never give up on our friends
As long as one of us is standing to brandish the star

Bismuth uses the elevator to lower everyone down. The group descends down to Little Homeworld's square, where Bismuth pours molten lava into a star-shaped mold in the middle of town.

Peridot and Bismuth: We'll find a way

Lapis and Bismuth: To save the day

Bismuth: That's who we are!

Lapis and Peridot join in to sing their words of encouragement.

"Right, okay, let's put our heads together. There's gotta be some way to make them remember" Steven begins to think of a way to help bring Garnet back.
"What if it's like a puzzle?" Spinel hypnotized.
"If we give them all the pieces, eventually, they'll get the picture!"
"Spinel, you might be onto something!" (Y/n) smile. "If every experience they lost is a piece of who they are, we just have to give them back all the pieces, one experience at a time!" She explains.
"Are you serious?" Lapis questioned. "That could take forever!" Peridot exclaims. "Exactly! So let's get started!" Steven instructed.

All:We'll find a way
To save the day
That's who we are!

Everyone wraps up their song with a dramatic pose.
"Here we are in the future! Yeah! Here we are in the future and it's wrong!" Spinel suddenly sings.
"Whoa, Spinel, it's okay. We're done." (Y/n) said.

Far from Little Homeworld, a certain someone is watching over everyone has he waits for his move if anything goes wrong.

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