Sixteen. Stuck

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Orion had to be the most peaceful sleeper that Mahogany had ever met... then again, she'd never quite literally stolen someone's slumber from them, so who was she to know who slept like a rock and who slept like she did?

For the past week, from the outside looking in, he always looked so serene in his sleep. Now Mahogany knew why. He didn't really dream, and if he did, it wasn't of anything stressful. They were sweet, even. He dreamt of what she knew were the pups in the pack that morning, and that dream only lasted what felt like a second before there was nothing.

Mo's dreams were always filled with her family, with her coven, the most random shit, Orion a few times, and of course visions. They were always chaotic.

Since she'd taken Orion's sleep from him, she inherited whatever went on in his sleep. He'd be more tired than she had been this whole time.

Nee Nee always said that you could never get back lost sleep, and she was right. There was a reason she was one of the smartest people she knew. Mahogany knew that no matter how long she slept that morning, she wasn't going to feel well rested.

Orion didn't usually wake up late. He woke up before Mo, sometimes he held her until she woke up, so since she'd taken his slumber from him, she woke up when he did. The only difference was that she wasn't about to go and spoon him one, because he had never been to sleep in the first place (Ha!) and two because he was an asshole no matter how nice his body felt pressed against her own.

That morning, he was exhausted- he'd went ape shit the night before, cycled through a fit of pure rage- that was to be expected. With that being said, Mo woke up with a migraine. The way her head was pounding was the equivalent to someone relentlessly taking a hammer to her skull.

"Oh my God," the cry fell from her lips as she sat up in bed, gripping her head as she sat still, willing the pain to subside.

It didn't.

Mo didn't have to look at her phone to know what time it was. Hell, she didn't even have to look outside her window. Somehow, she knew it was well into the afternoon, and sitting in the bed in a t-shirt and panties, natural hair a mess because she'd forgotten to wrap it up, and with her head feeling like it was about to explode, triumphant didn't even begin to describe how the young woman felt.

Pain pushed to the back of her mind, Mahogany felt like she did when she was eleven years old. She'd been so proud of herself the day after her eleventh birthday, waking up in her own bed after successfully sleeping through the night in her own room.

Nee Nee had been so proud of her... hell, Uly had been proud of her too. Mo sleeping in her own bed as a child was impossible for her. She'd sleep in her aunt's room. She'd sleep in her cousin's room. Shit, Mahogany would sleep in the living room, or even the basement before she would sleep in her own room as a child, and it wasn't because she was scared to sleep alone or be in her own room by herself- she'd hang out in her own private area all day and all night, but as soon as she became tired, she retired to anyone else's room, or any other part of the house but her own. She'd always been like that, but the morning after she woke up in her own room, she felt like she'd took on some huge adversary and nothing had ever made her feel so great.

Then, she came here, to this house with her mate and his loud ass wolves, and had completely regressed, and even worse. Now, she had to be held, she had to feel him touching her, his breath on her neck, his hands on her stomach, her thighs, leg hitched over hers or in between hers with one of those muscular arms serving as a pillow. His deep breaths served as her white noise. Orion was better than any over the counter sleep aid.... Until she took his sleep from him. That was even better.

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