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"In this case, the victim dies in a spectacularly nasty fashion, as blood seeps from every orifice. Prepare your poison students. You will be killing these animals in two minutes." Denke says.
While Edith was preparing her poison, she saw that Marcus purposely dropped his book and asked Viktor to get it him. Petra grabbed Viktor's drink and handed it to Billy. Edith furrowed her brows in confusion.
"Name one common industrial poison, ideal for making a statement. Viktor." Denke says as Viktor's hand shot up.
"Sodium cyanide." Viktor replied. "Victim is dead in seconds."
"You want to make a statement, strychnine leaves your victim contorted and convulsing for hours." Petra states not even looking up from her desk.
"Good, Petra. And why do we want it known that this wasn't an accident?" Denke questioned the girl.
"Poison delivers a clear message. No one is safe from you-Anywhere." She replied.
"Outstanding." Denke smiled and Viktor took a sip from his drink.
Edith watched carefully, waiting to find out what was going to happen to Viktor. Viktor stood up, Edith rested her head in her hand curiously.
"Sit down Viktor!" Denke ordered.
"I must use lavatory!" Viktor spoke hurriedly.
"I said sit down." Denke raised his voice. "Do it!" He ordered. "Sit!" Viktor started turning red, but he sat down.
Billy chuckled rather loudly as Denke lifted up Viktor's can and sniffed to see what was in it.
"Learn from this shame Class, Viktor invited this attack with his arrogance. You. Always remember this." He said turning to Viktor. "And you." He walked over to Billy who couldn't help but laugh. "Get a mop." Billy stopped laughing almost immediately.
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