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"Ever wonder what happened to your life?" Marcus questioned Saya as they waited outside the shop for Billy, Edith and Slasher. "How you ended up here?"
"No." Saya responded bluntly.
"We're walking around the mission with a serial killer on a leash." Marcus said looking inside the shop to check if everything was ok.
He saw that Edith was stood on her own, looking at the different types of chocolates. She had two in her hand. A snickers and maltesers. She looked between the two and placed the snickers back with a small smile.
Marcus couldn't help but smile at her.
"You ever hear of the red string?" Saya questioned making Marcus turn his attention back to her.
"I've heard of red strings." Marcus mumbled. "I've seen clothing."
Saya held in a laugh.
"Many Japanese believe our relationships are predestined by a red string the Gods tie to the pinkie fingers of people who find each other. It might tangle or stretch but it will never break." Saya looked to Edith who was paying at the counter.
The red string reminded her of Edith and Marcus, no matter what they'll always find their way back to each other.
"Well, a lot of Americans believe in a sky God that helps them win football games." Marcus said pointing up to the sky with his bat.
"That's bullshit." Saya laughed.
"But, myths come for somewhere." Saya pointed out.
"Like some kind of core truth. Deep down, we know we don't choose this." Marcus said.
"Wow. I forgot about the almighty that's what." Slasher said in awe.
Edith placed a malteser in her mouth with a small satisfied smile. She offered one to Marcus who chuckled and took one from the packet.
"Yummy as the bartering of bleeding teenage lovers." Slasher said looking at Marcus and Edith. "We choose, and we don't, like the two of us. Our brains can't make sense of death from randomness, of being a the sole family survivor due to pure luck. We overcome it by creating a purpose that allows us to avoid feeling pain. Well, I mean. At least that's how it is for me and Marcus."
"Will you stop with the comparison bullshit?" Marcus questioned looking over to Slasher.
"Where we differ it that I try to destroy society while you seek justice to make sense of Mommy and Daddy being taken from you."
"Don't bring my parents into this, freak." Marcus said, standing up straight from where he was leaning. Edith grabbed his hand and pulled him back slightly.
"Fixing the injustice of your parents death, that's what you're doing to keep from going crazy." Slasher pointed out.