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"I do this thing after I'm around people where I overanalyze every interaction to see where I went wrong, who I offended. I sit up all night worrying I didn't catch the right cues or I said the wrong things." Marcus said to Saya as he rode shot gun and she drove.
The others were all squished together in the back sharing a cigarette.
"Some might call that socially retarded." Saya said looking to the brown haired boy with a chuckle, he slightly shook his head and carried on.
"Human interaction is just a manipulation dance. A way for people to get what they want from each other. Popular people They are just the best liars." Marcus smiled.
"It gives people a reason not to act like assholes." Saya responded which caused Marcus to scoff.
"You're an asshole."
"I am the most well adjusted person in this car." Saya said with a smirk as she tipped back her beer into her throat.
"Mm, does "well adjusted" go on drug-fueled road trips and use fake IDs to illegally gamble?" Marcus questioned, he glanced at the review mirror and saw that Edith was looking at him.
He smiled at her almost sadly, but she quickly looked out to the horizon ignoring their eye contact.
"I didn't lose my virginity to Becky Cruz. I diddled her, but she didn't reciprocate." Billy said.
"Don't be a pig." Maria scrunched her face up in disgust.
"All I'm saying is you take a dude that far down the hall and then slam a blue door on his balls, would it kill her to jerk me off into a crusty napkin? You never had to sulk home with a pair of blue plums?" Billy questioned Willie.
"A girl gets anywhere near me, and she's begging for it." Willie bragged raising his head to stick his nose in the air.
"That's 'cause you only date airheads." Maria shrugged, trying to bite back her smirk.
"Who, Ruthie? That was one time, and she's all talk." Willie shook his head.
"She talks like a total asshole." Maria rolled her brown eyes.
"Dating advice coming from you? Shit, I wonder how Chico's gonna react when he finds out you snuck away." Willie said, the car went silent.
He glanced over to Edith, who kept staring out to the horizon. She looked like she hadn't slept a wink due to the black bags underneath her eyes.