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Edith wasn't happy when two monks came to escort her out of her room to detention

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Edith wasn't happy when two monks came to escort her out of her room to detention.

"What is this?" Marcus questioned as he took a seat next to Edith.

"Prolonged confinement designed for behavioral rectification." Petra responded as she rested her head on the desk. "Detention." She whispers.

"What did you do?" Marcus questioned Saya. She glared at him so he awkwardly smiled and turned to tap the desk.

"Sip?" Petra asked Viktor with a smirk.

"Master Lin. All due respect, this must be an oversight 'cause I didn't do-Yeah." Chico trailed off noticing Lin's blank expression. "Fine. But if I'm getting hit for fighting, shouldn't Willie's ass be in here, too?"

"All Viktor did was invite rodent girl to dance." Viktor grumbled trying his best to get out of the 48 hour detention.

"All I did was punch a Nazi, inbred, debutante bi-" Petra was cut off by Master Lin's cane under her chin.

"You all committed the cardinal sin. You were caught." Lin said as he hit Jaden's feet off the desk.


"Agoge. Spartan instruction that molded petulant Greek boys into the greatest warriors in the world. It had three basic tenets Conformity, discipline, and commitment to Sparta over one's own interests." Lin explained as a monk went to grab Saya's katana.

"You want to keep that hand?" Saya questioned the monk.

"You chose your basic instinct.Rivalry.
You will spend your weekend locked in this room contemplating my disappointment." Master Lin said as he took Saya's Katana.

Edith grabbed Marcus book and pulled it under the table. He looked at her confused but as he watched the monks take everyone possessions and he finally under stood.

He felt the book be placed on his lap as the monk stopped at Edith. She stood up and placed her arms out. He patted her down to make sure she didn't have any weapons. It happened every time she had a detention. She glared at him as he exited the room.


Edith's vision was a little blurry at first but after the second bat of her eyelashes she found herself staring down a familiar corridor.

At the end was an open door leading to the employees cafeteria, it was bustling and busy just as she had remembered it. Two guards stood either side of the door, large guns pressed against their chests as if they were proud of their intimidation.

Edith was overwhelmed she had no idea why she was here, though she knew exactly what was going to happen.

"Eeeeee." whispered a sweet voice followed by a small tug at the bottom of Edith's trousers.

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