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Edith hid behind a pillar as she watched Marcus and Lin. Lin had been messing with some machinery and after a click a slideshow of Marcus' childhood videos began to project onto the wall.
"Who killed Yukio?"
"I don't know." Marcus mumbled.
"Why did Juan attack Saya? And why did Edith help?" Lin questioned walking towards Marcus.
"I don't know." Marcus responded.
"Are you dating Edith?"
Edith furrowed her brows, she wanted to scoff. Why did Lin think they were dating?
"Are you dating Maria?"
"Who murdered Chico?" Edith's heart rate increased. She bit her nails nervously.
"I don't know."
"Did you kill the children in the orphanage?" Lin questioned.
Edith tried to take slow calm breaths, she could feel herself panicking.
"Yes." Marcus said although his voice quivered slightly.
"And there it is. You have a tell." Lin knelt down so he was level with Marcus.
"A senseless tragedy. One with no closure, no justice. You know the feeling of that purgatory Marcus." Lin said as they watched Marcus home movies.
He had a happy childhood by the looks of it. That was only something Edith could have wished for.
"A senseless tragedy. What other kind is there?" Marcus questioned with tears in his eyes.
"Necessary." Lin responded.
"Was Jürgen necessary? He warned me about this place. No ones seen him since." Marcus said referring to Denke.
Whenever a teacher disappeared, the students knew better than to ask questions.
"Jürgen left for greater opportunities. You're searching for conspiracies because the truth is far more painful. Look everybody leaves you." Lin said forcing Marcus to watch the projection.
Edith felt a small tear roll down her face. She wanted to help him, but she knew while Lin was there, there was nothing that she could do.
"Confess or navigate the consequences together. Confession brings relief to yourself as well as your victims."
"Confess what?" Marcus said, trying his hardest not to cry.
He didn't want to tell Lin that Edith killed Chico or that Maria killed Yukio.
"You continue lying, you'll lose your home here. You're your friends, you're dear love Maria or is it Edith? You'll loose me. The only person on this earth willing to help you." Lin said.