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"Oh! Y'all expecting company?" Chester questioned firing another shot at the fridge. "You must think I'm some kind of ding-a-ling. That door is fortified with two feet of reinforced steel, welded by the giant dick of Jesus Christ."
Edith, Marcus and Lex had all managed to squeeze in the fridge, their body's were weirdly mangled together but their terror overrides the awkward situation.
"Would now be a good time to mention I'm claustrophobic?" Edith question as her heart rate increased.
"Fan-bloody-tastic." Lex mumbled.
"Just breath okay?" Marcus whispered grabbing Edith's face. "You're okay. Just close your eyes." Marcus said as he hugged her tightly into his chest.
"Cousin Jim, go earn your mescaline. Rustle them out. Don't hurt Marcus. We got plans."
"Now Lex." Marcus whispered. Lex opened the fridge slightly to release the explosive.
"Yeah, yeah, we do, yeah."
"Okay, go, go, go."
"Oh, sweaty balls on the devil's leg! Hot and sticky, vinegar, piss! You fluff boys about to learn the stinky dick lesson of old Cousin Jim! Whoo, whoo! Oh, fiddlesticks."
Jim jumped over the fridge, to be met with an explosive.
After a couple of minutes, Marcus pushed the fridge door open.
"We're out now." Marcus whispered
"I am getting the hell out of here." Lex said climbing over Marcus and Edith.
"Get off me!" Marcus said, pushing Lex.
"Well, come on, sweet tits. Party's moving downstairs." Chester shouted.
"That is clearly a trap, love." Lex said looking between Edith and Marcus.
Marcus turned to face Edith.
"Get the others and get out of here."
"I'll go with her. To protect her." Lex offered, honouring his promise to Willie.
"I don't need protecting." Edith said, although it made Marcus feel better that Lex wanted to go with Edith to protect her, he wanted to know why he wanted to.
Lex was waiting patiently for his brothers to call him back, he wanted to tell them he wouldn't make it back for Christmas break, he also wanted to say goodbye in case this was the last time he spoke to them.
Honestly he thought Marcus' plan was ridiculous, but he knew that Edith would kill him if he didn't help out.