chapter 16

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y/n1 pov

Jack and i️ spent a few hours catching craw fish. I️ kept putting them up to his arms and letting them pinch.

It was about 2 when we said our goodbyes and i️ walked to my cabin. y/n2 was sitting on her bed with wyatt. jesus christ, we have to spend the day with my family.

They look up at me and smile.

"hey, how was craw fish hunting?" y/n2 asks.

"pretty swag, one pinched jack so hard he got a blood blister," i️ say laughing slightly. "also not to cut ur party short, but we have to spend the day with my parents and what not."

"oh yea, that's totally cool, um, y/n2, i'll see you later," wyatt says getting up.

on his way out i️ give him a fist bump and we murmur goodbyes. i️ flop down next to y/n2 and look to see what she's watching. scott pilgrim.

i️ pick up a pillow and put it on my head smothering myself.

finns pov

jack sits next to me. i️ look at the time then at him. it's 2. i️ get to see y/n1 in 2 hours. 2 long hours. my phone buzzes. it's a text from her.

"hey. shit i️ totally forgot. today's family day. i'm sorry. wanna go night swimming when we are done 'bonding' or whatever?" it reads.

"of course, no problem at all. just text me when everything is done <3" i️ type. jesus christ a heart? i️ go back and delete it then send the text.

"hey jack, how was your day?"

"it was cool. y/n1 and i️ caught craw fish and look," he lifts his arm, "she let them pinch my arms."

his arm was covered in blood blisters and red spots.

my body was filled with jealousy while jack spoke about his day with y/n1.

"finn, i know you like her. tell her. the longer you wait the more she will doubt and pull away."

his words put me at ease. he didnt like her. i stand up and pat his shoulder.

"thats the plan," i say as i start walking to my cabin.

i get into the cabin closing the door behind me. sitting on my bed, grabbing my guitar, i start to play. wyatt walks in a few minutes later.

"family day ruined your plans too?" i ask him setting my guitar next to me.

"yup, y/n1 came in and kicked me out," he says slightly laughing sitting on his bed.

y/n2 pov

"dude, can you shut the hell up, im trying to speak," adam, y/n1s brother, announces to y/n1 and i as well as his friend.

he was going on about some girl at school who kissed him on the last day of school or something. im glad we asked. ive been texting wyatt throughout the day. we are trying to pick which movie we will watch next.

this whole family day thing truly was a bust. the food was taken away by many seagulls, ben, adams buddy, fell into the lake and nearly died, and y/n1 and i got sun burnt.

it was 6:32pm when we finally got back on shore. while we watched as a whole gang of people try to dock the boat, us "kids" were told we could go back to the camp. family day was finally over.

i approach the cabin and open the door. wyatt and finn cock their heads to look at us.

"what the fuck?" y/n1 says in a monotone voice.

i walk over to wyatt and sit down next to him laying my head onto his shoulder. he throws him arm over my shoulder and i sigh. today was way too long.

finns pov

seeing y/n1 boosted my mood so much. she looked exhausted and kinda annoyed. she walks to her bed and sits down. i️ shuffle closer to her.

"so, how was family day?" i️ ask with a smile.

her head slowly lifts and looks at me. "horrid. i'm burnt, starving, and honestly ready to just collapse."

"well, let's do just that," i️ say laying on one side on the bed. she falls down onto her back next to me.

"i'm not moving from this bed unless glob himself makes me," she says shifting into her stomach and closing her eyes.

"whatever you say kid," i️ say looking at her.

i️t wasn't too long until her breathing became rhythmic and slow. i️ slightly lifted my head to look at wyatt and y/n2, but they were also asleep. i️ get up swiftly and lock the door, shut the curtains to rid of the setting suns harsh rays, and flip off the light switch. i️ lay back down next to y/n1 and doze off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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