1. Karn

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***This story goes live on Amazon and Kobo Sunday March 31st. What is available here is just a sample. Book three, Winning his Omega, will be released on May 12th straight to Amazon and Kobo. Thanks for your support! I will post more short stories here and there***

"You did fairly well when you were in the fights," Largo said, once again leaning back in his chair with a glass of liquor in hand. "I was a bit surprised you didn't win the whole thing."

Karn grunted in acknowledgement though didn't say anything. He had lost on purpose. He wasn't interested in having an omega. The life he led was not one to drag some soft female he would have to watch every second into. A mercenary taking a mate was to give her a death sentence, and Karn would never do that.

"I have a problem that I think you can help me with. It'll pay well of course." Largo was watching him out of the corner of his eye.

"And what's that," Karn finally responded. He would love to just tell Largo he wasn't interested, but he was short on funds at the moment and jobs weren't so common that he could afford to turn down a man like Largo who could destroy any chance of him ever working again. Or continuing to live at all for that matter.

Largo waited a minute before answering. "When I set up that fight and found out Brie was an omega, it gave me a wonderful idea. Not only would an omega be a great prize for the fight, but they could be used as prizes for other things I run as well. I even had Alphas approach me about purchasing one from me. The problem, of course, is the lack of them. Some species tend to produce more than others, but it's not like they advertise themselves. I did fairly well with the first batch. I had made calls and sent out a group of men to...collect some for me," he paused for a moment. Karn was well aware he most likely meant kidnap them. "The first two shipments went perfectly! They found a couple omegas, brought them to me, and I was able to distribute them as planned. I had more Alphas put deposits on omegas for themselves, and more events scheduled with omega prizes, but then there were issues..." Largo stopped, staring almost angrily at his glass before sitting it down and looking Karn in the eye.

"Someone is releasing my omegas. The first time, a couple disappeared from where they were being held on Tullar, waiting on shipment to the station. The next time, they disappeared right off the damn ship when it was heading back here. I don't know if it's one of my men, or if it is someone else somehow getting to them, but I want them caught! I have five Alphas who placed deposits for an omega and are starting to demand refunds if I don't find them one soon. This is ruining my reputation and I am not going to let it happen!"

Largo's hand smacked down on the desk, making his tablet and glass bounce, and Karn's eyebrows raise. The little reptilian man had always kept up a pleasant façade. He cleared his throat and sat back again. "I need you to figure out who's responsible for losing the omegas. I would love if you could find them for me as well, but I'm sure that's probably not possible at this point. Since the first two went missing on Tullar, that's probably the best place to start, but Ill leave it to you. The guys will be leaving in two days on another trip to collect more omegas for me, and I want you to go with them. If you're on the ship, escorting the omegas, you should be able to find out who is sabotaging me. You'd get off at each location and check the facilities and such there. Ask around. Whatever you need to do."

Karn sat quietly, thinking it over. He had done plenty of illegal things, but had never participated in any kind of trafficking. Omegas were special. Yes, they were to be claimed and kept in their place, but it was for their own protection. He scratched at the stubble on his face.

"I'll let you keep an omega," Largo tried tempting him. Karn snorted, "I'm not interested in pussy, I can get that anywhere. I'm only interested in credits."

"Fine," Largo shrugged. "Fifty thousand if you stop the person responsible. One hundred for them alive, and one fifty if you find the omegas they took from me too."

Karn growled under his breath. "Seems like it would take a few people, at least, to be pulling this off. Most likely a group of trained Alphas. Fifty thousand is pretty cheap to possibly be pitting myself against a group like that. Especially with no real information to go off of."

Largo stared at him and Karn maintained eye contact. "Seventy-five for stopping them then. One-ten should be enough to avoid killing at least one of them so I can have the pleasure of having a discussion with them myself. It can't be that many because there's been no talk...and you know how people talk. I would have heard by now."

Karn nodded. "I'll do it with fifty up front. Someone knows something," he said. Largo eyed him a moment longer before conceding to his demand. "It'll be available to you the day you leave. The ship will be making three stops. One on Filligarn to pick up two omegas being held there already. Hopefully more by the time you get there, but who knows. After that there should be at least one on Kidastan and then my men are tailing two on Tullar. I'm assuming whoever is doing this wont do it until after the last omega is collected, so the first half of the journey should be easy for you."

"If you think it could be your crew, what will they be told to explain my presence?" Karn asked him, standing in preparation to leave. The less time he had to deal with Largo, the better for his temper.

Largo shrugged, "Ill say you're going because you are an alpha and can verify that the girls are actually omegas. We already had a mistake with one beta, and I prefer not to have another. They're a waste of resources."

Karn grunted and walked to the door. "Have someone get me when it's time to leave. I'm sure you'll know where I am."

Largo's smirk was the last thing he saw as he glanced back before shutting the door to the office. One of his men was standing there waiting to take Karn to his room. He hadn't been back on Station 8 since the fight, and nothing seemed to have changed in the passing cycles. Instead of being lead to the rooms close to the arena where he stayed before, he was taken only a few halls over to a nice room on this floor. Karn nodded to the man, walking into the room and looking around. This one had a large bed covered with a plush looking black blanket and a holo on the wall across from it, as well as a small table with two chairs in the corner. His bag had already been deposited on the bed by one of Largo's men. Karn didn't see the point in unpacking for just two days so he tossed it into a corner and lay on the bed, already having second thoughts about the job he had just agreed to, but it was too late to back out of it now.

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