9. Karn

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Karn once again followed Dakk off the ship. They had reached Tullar a few hours ago but had decided to wait until after dark to go check the omegas. It seemed easier just to wait and then bring the girls back with them. Only the redhead omega had been loaded onto the ship at Kidastan, unconscious from having to be sedated, and Karn was worried about what they had done with the other one. He had attempted to find out but had been told it was none of his concern.

When he had gone out in search of information on Kidastan, he had thought he was going to get lucky since he found a couple mentions of an omega coming home a few days after she had been taken. Unfortunately he hadn't been able to locate her in the time that he had available. He had gone back to the ship, frustrated and almost too late since the omega had already been brought onboard. Dakk had seemed a bit irritated with him, but Karn had brushed him off and went straight to his room. Tullar was his last hope of finding out who was responsible before he possibly had to deal with an attack. So far, whoever had taken the omegas had done it without getting caught or letting word get out about it.

Karn looked around the city of Palumi as he followed after Dakk. He had been here before but never to this part of the city. It was an older area, not rundown yet, but obviously on its way. Most of the buildings they passed looked abandoned, their windows dirty and metal obviously rusted.

Dakk eventually turned into one of the buildings that looked no better or worse than any of the others. This was the first place that didn't have Largo's logo on the building. Karn followed him up a couple floors before Dakk stopped and knocked on a door at the landing. Another Darilian opened it and ushered them in. Motioning them to follow him, the Darilian lead them down the hall to the second door where he stopped and inserted an old fashioned key into the lock. The building had obviously been built before technology was more widespread and data pads were used for securing doors.

Karn heard people moving inside as the door swung open and he followed Dakk inside. There were three Tullarns inside. They all looked typical of their race. Tall, willowy females with dark skin and white hair. Their skin tones varied slightly from a dark chocolate to the pure ebony of the female with pink eyes. They also had different colored glowing dots on their cheeks and down what he could see of their arms and legs. The color of the marks matched the eyes of each one.

While the two with blue and green eyes looked at Karn with the familiar fear he expected, the pink eyes of the third omega were more calculating. Like she was sizing him up and deciding which part to cut off first. His lips twitched as he fought back a grin. She was only pretending to be docile and he was interested to see what she tried, because he could tell she was planning something.

Holding her gaze, he leaned his head back and obviously sniffed the air. "All good," Karn said as he continued staring at the girl in pink. She was lovely with her pink dress matching her eyes and the markings flowing down her arms and legs. Her hair was up in some fancy knot, but looked like pure white silk, and he wished he could pull the pins out and run his hands through it. Her expression turned to a glare when he had scented them and she moved herself more fully in front of the other two.

Karn saw Dakk nod from the corner of his eye and motion to the other Darilian who came forward holding cuffs and leashes. "Come," he said. "Give hands." Karn snorted as the one in pink sneered at the Darilian.

"This will go easier if you behave omega. You will wear them one way or another," Dakk said to her. She looked ready to attack, and Karn was shocked when she lost the sneer and nodded, pulling the other omegas with her as she came forward and held out her hands. His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

When they left the building with the omegas he trailed behind the Darilians, watching the girl in pink. The other two had their heads bowed and walked hesitantly, while she looked straight ahead, walking as if it were her choice. She was not being obvious about it, but she was scanning the area with every step they took. Paying attention to details on the buildings and things that would show where they were in the city. Karn was intrigued by the girl. She had to have some kind plan in her pretty head and he was trying to guess what it was. He was sure she would attempt to escape, but the best opportunity for that would be during the walk to the docks, and she behaved perfectly the whole way, simply walking where she was lead, but watching everything. The other two became obviously uneasy as they approached and entered the ship, but not the pink girl, she appeared to become more eager.

That eagerness is what finally made the pieces click together for Karn. He had never considered that whoever was doing this would plant an omega in the group being taken. Omegas were submissive, weak and there were too many chances that something would go wrong. They could fail to save the omegas, or she could be injured in the attempt. Karn didn't know how they were choosing the omegas to take, but it seemed like it should be difficult to get a particular one taken.

Karn growled under his breath at the thought that some Alpha was using her without any thought to her safety. Omegas were to be protected, cherished, not used as a sacrifice for gain. He was aware it happened, all the time, but it didn't sit right with him.

He cast a scowling glance around the docks before he entered the ship behind the others and followed them down the hall. Catching the ship before takeoff would be the best opportunity to easily take all of the Omegas, and Karn didn't know how long they had. The girl in pink was still looking over everything, seemingly taking mental notes of everything around her. The doors, the crew, anything that would matter to someone planning an escape.

When they reached the room where the other girls were being kept, Dakk handed the leash he had to the Darilian waiting there, pulling a blaster from his belt. He unlocked the door and walked in, scaring the omegas in the room away from the door. Each of the new girls were uncuffed and shoved past Dakk into the room. Karn's eyes locked on pink ones, attempting to read what plan she was involved in before the closing door cut them off.

As the Darilians left the hall, Karn waited, debating on what to do. His instincts warned that this would be the best time to attack and he had not found any reason to suspect the crew, but Largo had not wanted them to know the real reason he was with them. He also still needed to go out in the city to try and find more information, especially now that he suspected the omega with the pink eyes was up to something but he didn't want to leave if an attack was coming.

His thoughts stilled as he felt the rumble of the engines kicking on. He stomped down the hall to the cockpit and leaned in, finding Dakk and one of the others at the controls. "What's going on," he asked them. Dakk gave him an odd look over his shoulder then turned back to the screen before him. "We are taking off. There is no reason to remain now that we have our cargo. We are returning to Station Eight."

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