4. Karn

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Karn stepped, dripping, out of the pool, his shorts slung low on his hips. Many of the females in the room hungrily letting their eyes roam along the Adonis belt peaking from the top of them. That tasty V pointing directly where they wished to see. He smirked but avoided looking directly at any of them. The water clinging to his muscular chest making his natural golden skin sparkle like actual bricks of gold. Glancing around, he noticed the Darilian waiting by his towel and walked towards him.

"It's time," the little man said as Karn lifted the towel to dry himself off. Karn grunted, rubbing the towel through his short blue hair before wrapping it around his waist and following the man back to his room. He quickly dressed, throwing his things into his bag and carrying it out, following the man through different halls until they reached a private docking bay. Supplies were still being loaded on the ship there and Largo was standing on the dock. When Karn approached, Largo turned to him. Darilians were a small race, Largo only standing a little over five foot, while Karn was closer to seven and a half. Instead of tipping his head back to look Karn in the eye, he simply acted like he was gazing through him and spoke to his chest.

"Your payment has gone through, you'll be shown to your room and you'll have access to a terminal in there. I expect an update after every stop, or if you find out anything," he said.

Karn checked the balance of his credits on his wristband, nodding when he saw the balance. "Fine," he said to Largo before walking into the ship. He was quickly given a short tour by Largo's man before being shown to his room. It wasn't a very large ship and it seemed they would be keeping the girls in one of the rooms once they picked them up, because there were no cells or brig to keep them in. Just a combination lounge-kitchen area, two guest rooms and a bunk room for the four Darilians that made up the crew. Karn's room was just across from the extra room where the girls would be kept. When the Darilian left him, he peeked into it and found it was exactly like his. He went back into the room he was given and unpacked his things since he would be on the ship for a longer period of time.

The sounds of things being loaded in the hold ended so he made his way up to the cockpit. Two of the crewmembers were seated at the controls, so Karn wedged himself into the little bit of space behind them to watch the undocking procedure. A warning tone rang in the dock and the ship for a moment before the ship released and floated out into space. Karn watched the two Darilians to familiarize himself with the controls of the ship. He could pilot just about anything with an engine, and it didn't take him long to figure out the controls for this ship. Once they had pulled far enough away from the station, they kicked on the main engine and picked up speed, heading towards their first stop. It would be another day before they made it there, so Karn slipped back out and headed to get some food.

The other two Darilians were in the lounge when he went in and they paused when they saw him enter. After watching him a moment, they went back to their conversation in their native language. They obviously weren't aware that Largo had upgraded his language implant to include it so that he could understand them and would know if they were planning anything. He fought to keep a straight face as they made fun of him, apparently assuming that he must be stupid since he was so large. A lot of people had that impression of him, and he tended to play into it when needed. All brawn and no brains.

After making himself a meal, he went back to his room to use the terminal to see if he could find any information that would help him. There were mentions of missing omegas on multiple planets, and it was a little hard to narrow down which ones were most likely related to Largo. Unfortunately for omegas, the instances of kidnapping were fairly high throughout the universe. Largo had given him the names of the places they were picking omegas up from, so he started with the missing reports from those planets. Karn was hoping to find some mention of omegas returning, but when he found none, he figured that most likely their profiles had simply been pulled from the missing list when the authorities were informed that they were home again.

Karn sighed at the lists and tried to find a way to narrow down his search. Since the first instance of the omegas disappearing from Largo's men happened on Tullar, he decided to just focus on that planet for now. He pulled up the missing list for the day before the omegas escaped, then pulled up the list for a week later. It took him a while, his food long since gone, before he finished working his way through the lists. He had a few names to look into now at least. Stretching his arms over his head and leaning back, he decided to stop for a bit. He was not used to sitting still for so long.

Returning to the lounge to dispose of his trash, one of the Darilians from before was still in there, but with one of the two who had been in the cockpit before. He nodded to them politely before turning away to take care of his waste.

"So you are to check the females to be sure they are omega, how can you tell that," one of them asked him. He turned back to them and leaned on the counter behind him, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'll smell them," Karn said shrugging. "How do you know which girls to pick up anyway without an Alpha to sniff them out." The Darilian shrugged back, "They follow and watch, ask around. Many are willing to part with information for credits. Some sell family to pay debts. We just pick up the females and take them where Largo says."

"Oh, so there are others that stay on the planet and capture them?" Karn asked him. "Yes," the man replied. "Largo has men everywhere, he told them to collect omegas, they find a way to do it. Some places easier than others." Karn hummed in acceptance of what the man said before nodding to them again and going back to his room. He didn't want to press them too much or it would be obvious he wasn't as stupid as they thought him to be. For now he was willing to take things slow and see what happened.

Once in his room, he undressed and lay on the bed, laying with his hands behind his head as he went over the information he had so far. It was going to be hard to figure out who was behind the rescues if he didn't get more information somewhere. The omegas that had been saved would be the best source, but were unlikely to talk to him since they would want to protect whoever was responsible for saving them. He would have to try to find a way to talk to one of them.

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