2. Adaria

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"We need your help again. Meet us in two hours, same place as before."

Adaria sighed looking at the message. She'd had a feeling it would come, but had been hoping for a longer reprieve before she had to go through it again.

"Ok," she replied, then drug herself out of bed. It was early morning, or late night depending on your schedule. The sun wouldn't even be up in two hours when she met with the families. Rubbing her eyes, Adaria walked into her tiny bathroom and started the water. The old building she lived in didn't have the best water heating, and it took it forever to get warm enough at this time of day. She glared at herself in the mirror and pulled her mane of long white hair into a knot on the top of her head. She didn't have nearly enough time to deal with it right now. Adaria showered quickly, dealing with the still too cool water. It was the best way to wake up, mainly because it sucked so bad. She grumbled to herself as she pulled on some baggy clothes and stomped into her boots. She understood the need for secrecy, but she didn't have to pretend to enjoy the crazy hour.

She pulled a hood over her head to hide her features and left her building, stopping at a shop for a stimulant and something to eat, before making her way to the hub for the SkyBus. It would take her over an hour to get to the place she was to meet the families at and she was cutting it close. Adaria lived in an older, run down part of the city where you had to watch your step, while the people she was working for lived in newly built mansions on the outskirts where life was beautiful. She could afford to move now if she wanted, but she was comfortable where she was and wasn't sure where else to go. She didn't want to draw attention to herself anyway, and moving somewhere nicer would give people the wrong ideas. Being an omega living alone, the first thing they would assume was that she had some Alpha taking care of her.

Adaria snorted to herself as she took a seat on the SkyBus. The last thing she would do is become the kept woman of some rich Alpha. She had been taking care of herself just fine since her father had died. Until she was kidnapped anyway. Adaria scowled, staring out the window of the bus at the twin moons.

She still couldn't believe that had happened. She had been walking home one day, when she had been jumped by three men. They were smaller than her, but surprisingly strong, and they had injected her with something that knocked her out almost immediately. She later figured out they were called Darilians, a reptilian species without the dynamic. Being one of the larger cities on her planet, it wasn't unusual to see other alien species in Palumi, and she hadn't thought anything when she passed the three in the street. They weren't Alphas so she hadn't paid as much attention to them as she should have. At first she wasn't sure what reason they could have for kidnapping her since they weren't compatible and she had no one to ransom her to, but it didn't take long to figure it out. Alphas of most species had no issue with buying an omega if they had the opportunity, and once Adaria realized there was another omega that had been kidnapped as well, she knew they had planed to sell them. Luckily for her, they hadn't been prepared for someone with her talents, and she had been able to get herself and the other omega free.

The experience had taught her to be more vigilant, and it had earned her a job. The girl she had saved with her, Tilla, had been from a wealthy family. When she had taken Tilla back to her home, they offered her a job as the girl's companion. Apparently that was a thing for richer people. In reality, she was a combination of a bodyguard, and a nanny. The poor girl had barely been past her first heat, certainly not old enough to be claimed by a mate yet, and was thrilled with the idea of Adaria being her companion. Tilla's parents figured since Adaria was a female, and another omega, that she would be able to follow her everywhere, while a male may not be able to go certain places, and wouldn't be able to be around her when she went through her heats. Even a beta would attempt to take an omega in heat if given the chance.

When another omega had been kidnapped not long after, the families had gotten together and asked Adaria for help. At first she had been unsure, she would be going right back into the situation she had escaped from, but she couldn't just leave the girl to suffer. The Darilians had changed locations when she escaped so that they wouldn't be caught, and the only way for them to find out where the girl was being held, was for Adaria to let herself be captured again. They hoped the men wouldn't recognize her as the one that escaped before, and that she could get in, then break them out again. The families had pooled together and came up with what they thought was a foolproof plan. They thought that they were prepared for anything.

It all went to shit when the girls were loaded onto a ship just a few hours after Adaria was caught, before she had regained consciousness and had a chance to break them out.

It had been a close call. Apparently they were taking omegas from other planets besides Tullar, because there had already been others on the ship when they were taken aboard. Adaria had managed to escape the room they were locked in, and used the ships systems to get a message to Tilla's family. She had found the chemicals they were using for their injections and used it to poison the food she found. She went back into the room with the other omegas then, and waited for something to work. Praying help would come before they reached their destination. It was a long wait before they had felt a shudder go through the ship. Adaria carefully slipped out again and found that the families had paid someone they knew to catch up to them. When he had gotten no response from hailing the ship, he had locked onto it and came over. Adaria quickly ushered the girls to his ship, and they had left the Darilians floating in space, unsure if they were even dead or alive.

Now they were asking for her help again, which meant that another omega had been taken. She couldn't say no. Obviously whoever was doing this didn't plan to stop, and they had to figure out who was behind it. The authorities weren't moving fast enough, and there didn't seem to be any other way. Adaria heaved a sigh, leaning her head back and closing her eyes in silent prayer.

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