8. Adaria

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Adaria groaned and raised a hand to her eyes. Her head was throbbing and her mouth felt like she had been sucking on sand. She heard movement close to her and rolled to her side, attempting to sit up. A small hand stroked her shoulder and a bottle touched her lips.

"Here, drink," a female voice whispered softly to her. She eagerly drank the water that was offered before finally blinking open her eyes. A set of soft blue ones blinked back at her and she recognized the girl that the older Alpha had described.

"Minoria," Adaria asked.

"Ye-yes. How do you know my name? Do I know you," the girl responded looking at her suspiciously.

"I know your uncle. Are we alone," Adaria asked, trying to look around the room they were in. She noticed another small girl in the corner that must be the couples daughter, Findi. She could tell the girl was terrified from the look in her green eyes when they met hers.

"It's just the three of us in here, and there's at least two of the reptile men that took us. We've all been kidnapped," Minoria said looking down.

"I know," Adaria responded patting her hand. "I'm Adaria, give me a minute to get myself together here, and I'll explain how I know who you both are."

Findi blinked up at her, giving her a slow nod and Minoria moved over to the younger girl's side. Adaria pushed herself up onto her feet and looked around the room. It looked like it had been an office at one point but had been stripped of furniture. There was a pile of blankets in the corner where the girls were, and two doors. One was closed but the other was partially open, showing the edge of a sink, so Adaria assumed it was a bathroom. She tried the closed door just to be sure, and it was locked. It was sturdy enough that she probably wouldn't have been able to break it down, but after checking the lock she was sure she could pick it if needed.

Adaria walked around the room, checking the corners and the bathroom as the girls watched her. She also checked that she still had her tools. Unfortunately, she could tell that the sheath with her dagger had been removed from her thigh, but the other things she had hidden were still in place.

Finishing her check, she went and sat close to the other two omegas and began to whisper to them to be sure she wouldn't be overheard.

"I know who the two of you are because I was hired by your families to rescue you." Both girls gasped and Findi began to cry quietly. Adaria held up her hands to them. "Try to keep calm and listen to me. I've been through this twice already, but this is a different location than I broke out of the first time, and I don't know what is outside that door. I do know that very shortly we will be moved onto a ship where there will be other omegas. Someone is kidnapping us from all over, and I am doing what I can to stop them."

Minoria nodded to her and Findi just looked to be in shock. The girl was obviously young and Adaria felt sorry for her, but there was no real way to make this any better at the moment. Hopefully knowing there was a rescue plan would help her cope better.

"We have a plan to save everyone, but to do that we have to play along and get on the ship. I have a tracker in the back of my neck so that we can be found as long as we all stay together. Now the more I know, the better I can prepare, so anything you can tell me about what has happened to you since you were taken would help."

Adaria looked at each of them, attempting to project calmness. Minoria spoke up first, telling of her kidnapping and what had happened since she was placed in this room. Findi finally spoke up to tell her of her experience in a timid voice, but she didn't have much to add. Neither one was sure where in the city they were, or even what kind of building they were in.

"Right now we just have to keep calm and wait. I'm sure that your families know exactly where we are by now, and as soon as we are moved to the ship they will have someone following us to pick us up." Adaria reached out and grasped each girls hand. "I will protect you and we will be ok. You're not alone and you will get back home." She stared into each girls eyes until they gave her a consenting nod.

They had settled in the corner together and were talking quietly when Adaria heard the lock on the door scrape open. All three girls got to their feet and faced the door, Adaria standing slightly in front of the other two as they pressed their backs into the corner they had been sitting in. One of the Darilians held the door open as the other walked in with some packages in his hands. He dropped them on the floor just inside the room before leaving. When they heard the lock engage again, Adaria cautiously walked over and collected them. They were packages of premade meals, and the girls settled in the corner again to eat. After a while, the two girls lay down to sleep, and Adaria sat against the wall next to them, going over the different things she needed to be prepared for. She knew even the best laid plans could go wrong, and with how little information they really had, she was worried that they were relying on hope a bit more than was wise.

Adaria was just starting to doze off when she heard voices outside the room. It had been fairly quiet until now and the change put her on edge. She considered waking the girls but decided to wait and see if she could figure out what was going on. Moving closer to the door, Adaria tried to hear what was being said, but she couldn't understand whatever language they were speaking. The conversation ended and Adaria waited for something else to happen. She thought she faintly heard a door closing, but it was silent other than that. Going back to sit by the girls, there wasn't much she could do but wait. Her goal was to get onto the ship to rescue all of the omegas, and she focused on that as her eyes slid closed and she drifted off, still making plans in her head.

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