6. Karn

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Karn rubbed his blurry eyes. After falling asleep for a short while, he had gone back to working at the terminal. Finishing up the lists, he had used the names he had narrowed it down to and looked for any information on the girls. None seemed to have any connections to a group capable of taking on Largo, though a few were from rich enough families to be able to hire someone to find and save the girls. Most likely in that situation, the person would have saved all of the girls, and ransomed the rest back to their families once they returned the one they were hired to save. That's what Karn would have done anyway.

Everything pointed to Tullar as being the most likely place to find whoever was responsible. Karn had moved on to scanning the docking logs of ships leaving from the same port that Largo's men were going to be using again. If someone had followed them from the planet to take the omegas, the ship would be logged as leaving right after Largo's, then returning again within a short period of time. If they hadn't returned to Tullar it would make it impossible to find.

Karn was almost glad when he was interrupted by knocking on his door. Standing with a groan, he answered it, rubbing the back of his neck. "We will be docking in an hour, the girls will be brought on a few hours later, after dark," he was told by the Darilian at the door. "You will go with Dakk to meet with the men keeping the girls and check them once we land. Be ready." With that the Darilian turned and walked away.

Karn shut the door and closed down the terminal so if anyone checked while he was off the ship, they wouldn't be able to see the files he had been looking through unless they knew how to unencrypt them. Hopping in the tiny shower, he quickly washed himself, cursing when he slammed his elbows into the wall every time he tried to move, and got dressed again. He was in the cockpit when the ship docked at the capital city of Filligarn. Karn had figured out that Dakk was the one that had asked him questions in the lounge, and was ready to follow him when he left the copilots chair.

The two other crewmembers were beginning to unload the hold as Karn and Dakk left the ship. They walked with the flow of the crowd from the docks to a market area surrounded by places to eat, and others that rented rooms. Entering one of the smaller restaurants, Karn spotted two other Darilians seated at a table. Dakk greeted them when he made it over to them, and they quickly rose, leading the way back out into the market. Karn couldn't help but feel like he stood out following after the shorter men.

They didn't go far before they turned down an alley leading away from the market. They stayed on mostly deserted roads and dark alleys until they reached an industrial area. Leading them into a small warehouse with the logo of Largo's company on the side, they walked through it to a set of rooms in the back where the girls were being kept. There were three of them cowering against the back wall of the room when Karn entered behind the Darilians, and the room reeked of omega pheromones and fear. The girls had obviously not been able to wash themselves for a few days at least, and Karn could tell right away that all three were omegas. Two were native to Filligarn but one was an Indrian with stark black hair against teal skin.

"Well," Dakk said looking at him.

"They're all omegas," Karn said, the girls whimpering more at his words. One broke out in sobs like he had just condemned them to death. Karn briefly felt guilty but there really wasn't anything he could do for them. Even if they hadn't been kidnapped by Largo's men, chances were that they would have been taken by an Alpha within the next year or two.

"You're sure? You didn't even get near them," one of the other Darilians said doubtfully.

"Since your species does not have the dynamic, you wont understand how sensitive an Alpha is to the scent of an omega. Even without them in the room, this place will reek of them for weeks after you've had them locked in here with no fresh air or being able to bathe for this long. From scent alone I can tell you that there were three omegas in here, one rather young and another about to enter into heat within the next week most likely," Karn told him gruffly. The omega that had started crying before wailed at his mention of going into heat. From this distance he couldn't be sure since they were all huddled together, but he was willing to bet that she was the one beginning to feel the first signs of fever and restlessness. He nodded towards her and told the Darilians, "She should be separated from the others, and me especially. Being near an Alpha can bring her heat on faster, and she could bring on the other omegas' heats as well."

Immediately Dakk shook his head. "We have no way to separate her from the others. They will all go in the room together," he said. Karn just shrugged and stepped back out of the room. The scent of the girls was starting to get to him and he needed to clear his head. He was usually pretty good at controlling his baser instincts but it wasn't a good idea to push himself.

Karn looked around at the warehouse as he leaned against the wall outside the room where the omegas were. He couldn't tell what was being stored there since it was all boxed up already for shipping. He was about to go try looking around when the others came out of the room. Dakk motioned him to follow and they left the warehouse, heading back the way they had come to the market. Once there, Karn stopped outside of a place that served liquor. Dakk looked back at him.

"Im going to stop here for a drink or two if that's all right," Karn said. He needed an excuse to get away from Dakk and be able to ask a few questions of the locals. Drinking was the first thing that seemed like a good enough reason.

"We have liquor aboard the ship," Dakk said, giving him a skeptical look. Karn glanced around and thought quick. His eyes landed on a female outside of the building next door that rented rooms.

He cleared his throat and said, "I was hoping to find a companion to drink with...maybe more."

The Darilian looked towards the female Karn had seen and seemed to understand his implication. Dakk's eyes narrowed.

"We leave as soon as the cargo is loaded. You must be back by dark."

Karn nodded and attempted to give Dakk an excited smile. He just turned and stomped away. Karn watched him leave, snorting at the idea that the couple hours until dark was enough to find and bed a female. Looking around, he headed for a location that looked to have someone he could question about the missing omegas.

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