7. Karn

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Throwing himself down on his bed, Karn growled. Nothing. He had found out nothing that he didn't already know. He had spent as much time, and credits, as he could asking around about the omegas, but no one had any useful information. Most of them knew that omegas were going missing of course, more than the usual amount, but no one knew of any that had returned. He did find out that most of the girls Largo had taken had actually been sold to his men to pay off family debts, so likely wouldn't have been welcomed back even if they had been released. They usually weren't reported as missing then either since the family tried hiding the fact.

He rolled onto his back and took a deep breath. He had figured he wouldn't find much before getting to Tullar, so he tried to just relax. He had made it back on the ship just as dusk was falling outside, so the girls should be brought onboard soon and they would be leaving for the next planet. He doubted he would have any more luck there either, but he would try once again. He decided to write his message to Largo so the man wouldn't have any reason to complain. He let him know that all three were indeed omegas, and that one was close to going into heat. She would need given to an Alpha as soon as they made it to the station. He also included that people were aware of what was happening, but were just looking the other way since most believed that their families were the ones trading the omegas in. He was almost ready to send the message when he heard noise out in the hall and he got up.

Opening the door to his room, Karn looked out and saw the Darilians leading the girls towards him. Each one had her hands bound in front of her and was being lead on a leash. Dakk stopped across from Karn and opened the door where they were to be kept. He released the girl's wrists, disconnected the leash, then shoved each one into the room before shutting the door and setting it to be able to open only from the outside. Karn could hear the girls crying softly and the scent of their fear now lingered in the hall.

He stepped back into his room. Some Alphas enjoyed the scent of an Omega's fear while Karn thought it just smelled sour, like a fruit going bad. He finished his message to Largo and sent it before stripping off his clothes. He began doing a series of exercises in the space between his bed and the wall. The room wasn't big enough to do much, but he needed to work off some aggravation and exercising had always been a way for him to calm down and focus. Once his muscles were comfortably warm and loose, he climbed into the shower, letting the hot water run down him and further relax his muscles.

After dressing in a comfortable set of clothes, he went down to the lounge to make some food. There was no one there this time, and he sat down at the table to eat. Dakk came in when he was about halfway done and sat down across from him after making his own meal.

"Did you find what you were looking for," he asked Karn.

"Sadly, no," Karn responded. He didn't have to fake the frown on his face though the Darilian would assume it was due to what he had told him he was looking for.

"Perhaps Largo would allow you the use of one of the girls. I'm sure they are not all untouched, so having another wouldn't make a difference," Dakk offered with a strange look in his eye. Dakk seemed a bit suspicious and Karn felt like this was a test of some kind. He pretended to think over the offer.

"I would not touch his property without express permission, but even if he agreed, I feel it would be a bad idea. With the one so close to heat already, even if I used a different omega, the scent of Alpha pheromones on her would set off the girls heat. That would be a major problem in such a small ship," Karn said, going back to eating him food.

Dakk watched him a moment more before beginning to eat his own. "Very well," he responded simply.

They continued their meal in silence after that until Karn rose to clear his trash. "We will reach Kidastan by morning. We are going to be there a bit longer since we need to take on supplies. Once you check the omegas you can try again there I suppose," Dakk told him, Karn nodded his thanks and left.

He climbed into his bed and slept until a knock at the door woke him. He had meant to be up before they landed, but he could tell from the lack of engine noise that they were already on the ground. Rubbing a large hand over his face and through his hair, he answered the door. Dakk gestured for Karn to follow.

This planet wasn't as populated as Filligarn and Largo's ship was sitting directly behind a warehouse with his logo on it, instead of at a community dock. They walked across the landing area and into the building. There were many more Darilians at this location than there had been at the previous one. This looked like a legitimate warehouse where things were being made, instead of one just sitting full of boxes. A few looked up at him as he passed, drawing their attention simply by his size compared to them.

They entered an office on the side wall of the warehouse and Dakk spoke with a Darilian sitting behind a desk there. They had a brisk conversation and then Karn followed Dakk back out of the office and up a set of rickety stairs to the second level. They walked past a row of doors before finally stopping at the second-to-last one before the walkway ended at the wall. Karn had heard screaming since they had come up the stairs and one of the girls inside was obviously pounding on the door in fury.

Dakk looked at Karn and he nodded, moving to block the door as Dakk opened it. A petite redheaded female fell into his arms when Dakk opened the door, still screaming, and she immediately began to struggle. Karn released her and stepped into the doorway where there was no chance of her slipping out. As she backed away from him, he noticed another girl in the room sitting on a small cot and staring blankly at the wall.

A fierce growl from him silenced the first omega for a moment, and when Dakk shut the door behind him, Karn moved forward to check on the girl on the cot. She didn't seem to notice him as he approached and he eyed the redhead on the opposite side of the room.

"Hey," Karn said to the girl when he was just a few feet from her. "You ok," he asked, squatting down to get eye level.

"She hasn't moved or spoken since she was put in here with me," the redhead spoke up. He grunted as he reached out a hand to the other girl's shoulder. When his hand touched her, she screamed and jerked away, flattening herself against the wall. Her pupils were dilated and her chest heaved with each quick breath.

"They killed him, they killed him, they killed him," the girl began to repeat to herself, still not focusing on anything in the room. Karn looked at her neck and noticed the half covered scar from a claiming bite. He had thought her scent wasn't right and that confirmed it.

Karn stood and started to walk back to the door but the little redhead launched herself at him. He huffed a laugh as she laid into him as hard as she could with her fists. Reaching out, he caught her wrists as gently as he could.

"It's no use little one, accept your fate and behave," he said, meeting her furious red eyes. She bared her teeth I a snarl.

"Never," she hissed at him and his grin grew. He carefully shoved her back so that the back of her knees hit her cot and she fell onto it as he slipped out the door. The furious screaming and pounding on the door began again.

"You have a problem," Karn said to Dakk. "They are both omegas, but one is traumatized because her mate was killed. Whoever decided she was a good mark is an idiot."

"What about that one," Dakk said tipping his head to the door.

"Oh, she's feisty," Karn said as a grin split his face.

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