3. Adaria

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Adaria exited the SkyBus and began walking towards the meeting place. The closest stop to where she was going had been about a mile and a half walk away from it. It didn't bother her since she was used to walking and wasn't worried about keeping her head down and watching her back as much in this area. This part of town had almost no crime since it was patrolled regularly and everything was guarded well. The lack of public transportation here made it harder for the lower class to reach this area or to get away and blend into a crowd when they did something wrong. Everyone in this part of town had their own transportation, and most of them even had drivers. She would stand out a little if she was seen walking with the way she was dressed, but most would assume she was a servant carrying out some task.

Adaria finally turned into a side alley and knocked on the back door of a restaurant. It was one that Tilla's father, Frintak, owned, and had been the best place for everyone to meet without going to someone's home.  It opened quickly and she was ushered in by the beta who worked as Frintak's assistant. When she entered one of the private dinning rooms, she was met by the families of both Tilla and the other omega she had saved, as well as three other Tullarns.

"Have a seat Adaria," Frintak said to her, waving at the seat at the head of the table. His assistant held the chair out for her, then placed a glass of water by her hand. She took a grateful sip before looking attentively at the people around the table.

"This is the girl we told you about that saved our daughters," Frintak said to the three others Adaria didn't recognize. The two that were obviously a couple nodded to her, while the single, older Alpha looked at her with distrust.

"She's an omega. What good is she going to do in freeing them," he said, turning back to Frintak.

Before Frintak could answer the Alpha, Adaria leaned forward. "Yes I'm an omega, and I'm the one that's going to save your child. I saved Tilla when I was captured with her the first time, then when Saari was captured I saved not only her, but four other omegas from other planets that had been captured as well. These Darilians move fast and we don't have the time for some speech about how omegas are the weakest and an Alpha would be better for the job. I'm here, I've done it already and I'm what you've got," she said looking him directly in the eyes. "The authorities are not going to get to them in time. The fastest and easiest way to find them is for an omega, me, to get captured by them and taken to wherever the girls are. My father was a master thief, and while that may not be considered an honorable trade any longer, he still passed his skills down to me and my brother. How do you think an omega my age hasn't been claimed yet?"

The Alpha still looked suspicious, but he closed his mouth and sat back in his chair, watching her.. Looking around the table she addressed everyone, "I need to know how long it has been since the girls were taken. Then we can make a plan for getting them back."

The couple spoke up first. "Findi was taken yesterday, just before noon. She was in the market with friends and they called us saying two reptilian men had grabbed her when she had been walking towards a bathroom. She hadn't cried out, simply fell into the men's arms. Her friends tried to follow but couldn't keep up," the Alpha told her as his mate clung to his arm. Fresh tears poured down the woman's cheeks as he spoke and Adaria's heart clenched in her chest. The Alpha began to purr quietly for her, wrapping his arm around her as she sobbed into his chest.

Adaria turned her attention back to the older Alpha who cleared his throat. "Minoria is my niece. She was taken approximately thirty hours ago. Her mother contacted me when she did not come home at her usual time. She's a responsible girl and would never have wandered off, and usually wouldn't be out alone, but no one had been available to escort her home that day, and they had thought she would be fine." He looked down at his clenched hands. "She  would have been passing close by the market as well. She hasn't been heard from since."

"Ok," Adaria said. "We need to plan fast because I need to be at that market today. They don't seem to grab the girls until just before they are ready to send them off planet and we don't want that to happen without me." She turned to Frintak," Will your friend with the ship be able to help us again? I'd like to save all of the Omegas again, not just the ones here."

"I'm sure he will if there's no danger to him. I'll contact him as soon as we are done here and convince him," he said to her.

They all discussed what needed to be done and attempted to cover every possibility. To make the girls a little safer, Adaria agreed to have a micro-tracker implanted in the back of her neck for just in case. The Darilians hadn't searched her the last two times but she was sure that they would be more wary now, and they needed an emergency back up plan. If all else failed and the families didn't hear from her in time, hopefully they could get the authorities to track her location before the girls were split up.

Surprisingly the older Alpha was the most helpful with the plans, getting the tracker and someone to install it as well as the other items she needed to try to get the girls out. There were times he obviously fought with his Alpha need to dominate and overrule her, but she understood why he had the problems. It's hard to go against your biology. His instincts were telling him that as an Alpha, his job was to find and protect his loved one. That some little omega would never be able to do the job because she was weak and to be dominated and protected as well. But he knew that with the issue at hand, she was more likely to succeed than he was.

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