10. 時制 - Jisei - tense

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時制 - Jisei - tense


A chill ran up your spine as he gave you the usual cold stare. You furrowed your eyebrows in determination. 'don't let your guard down'

He stomped causing his ice to go around you. You used your quirk and easily broke through it. Todoroki later on surrounded you with ice which circled you. You activated your quirk and elbowed the ice as it shattered. You made your way out and used your quirk to make the ground around him to dissolve, he froze the ground back much to your disadvantage.

You jumped and tried to attack him however he used his ice to block you. You smirked, figuring he would do that. You used your quirk and smashed through the ice.

You were both head on and circling each other. You looked at Todoroki's cheek, it was freezing up. "You and i both know the cycle will repeat. I've gotten used to your ice." you said.

He let out a break and sent ice for your direction. You leaned to the side and dodged it. He did it again to the side you were on and you fell back. He sent another shard of ice for your direction now that you were in between the other ice. You jumped up and you were now on top of the ice while it escalated.

Your eyes widened. 'Holy crap. I just did that?!'

You shook your thoughts and looked down at Todoroki. "I didn't seem like it, though i'm still right. You're stupid. If you even consider me as an opponent, give me all you've got" you started off.

"It's your power! Give it all you've got!" you yelled, jumping and using your quirk.

As you jumped, the ice had shattered and caused a landslide of ice towards Todoroki. His eyes widened.

He put his left arm in front of him, you smiled. A burst of flames melted the ice that was leading towards him.

You fell to the ground but got up. You had a few scratches already but you didn't care. 'things are only getting real'

"SHOUTO! SO YOU'VE FINALLY ACCEPTED IT! YES! WITH MY BLOOD PUMPING THROUGH YOUR VEINS YOU WILL SURPASS ME! YOU WILL FULFILL MY AMBITIONS!" Endeavor suddenly yelled while walking down the stairs. You ignored the hero and charged for Todoroki

You ran and made the ground under his right side dissolve making him stumble as you hit his shoulder. You turned your heel and turned your whole body around, pinning Todoroki to the floor as you sat on his back.

Before you were about to bury him in the ground using your quirk, you were pushed aside as ice made its way to your chest. You were the one lied down on the ground, you shook your head and tried standing up, seeing Todoroki has done the same.

Flames now were around his left side, your eyes widened as flames were heading your direction.


You saw that Cementos was making a wall appear before you were hit by the flames but they were too late. You involuntarily activated your quirk while flames ran through you, your eyes were squinted heavily.

You heard a series of gasps as you opened your eyes. 

'It's not hot?' Y

ou looked and saw your uniform burned, some parts with holes.

"What is this?! L/n had endured the flames with her quirk?!" Present Mic yelled.

You used your quirk on Cementos' wall, not even caring about them telling you to stop.

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