35. 三 - san - three

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三 - san - three


Happy belated anniversary to Silience!


With a yell, another (F/c) orb came out of your hand and landed on the wall Cementos created. You stood up again with a sigh. You ran your hand over your hair feeling dissatisfied with your performance. Puffing the side of your cheek and repeatedly tapping your foot against the ground in a rhythmic pattern, you tried thinking of a more practical yet enhancing way of training.


It seemed like a repeated joke or an episodic irony that you'd be snapped out of your thoughts by someone calling out your name in time for either something bad or convenient to happen. In this case, it had thankfully been the latter.

You turned around to see Todoroki standing on your pedestal so you quirked a brow at him. "Todoroki? Hey, is there anything you need?"

He nodded, "Actually yes if you don't mind."

"I don't, what is it?"

"I was actually hoping you'd help me train for a while seeing that you've already gotten your move somewhat mastered." He replied. "And the author needed to sneak me somewhere for more screentime."

"Sorry, I don't think I understood the last part?"

"Its nothing," Todoroki brushed off.

You bummed in response doing the same. "I've seen what you've been doing, it's really quite interesting."

His breath hitched as a tint of pink made its way to his cheeks, "y-yours too.."

You nodded, thanking him for the compliment, "So-"

"Hey L/n! Todoroki!"

A third, more lovely voice joined in. You both turned your heads to see a tuff of blonde hair making its way down to your pedestal. "Oh Kaminari, hey!" You grinned, running towards the male with Todoroki slowly following suit.

"What brings you here Kaminari?" Todoroki inquired but the blonde merely shrugged in response. "I've got way less screen time than you my dude."

"Nice moves you've got there L/n," The blonde greeted, raising his hand up, in which you responded high five-ing back.

"Thanks, I presume you've got your ultimate move down with some cool costume changes?" You raised a brow and he grinned in response. "Hell yeah! It took a while but thanks to the weird machine girl I've got these disc-shaped Pointers that help with aiming my quirk."

"That's awesome!"

The conversation continued from then on, slowly drifting off into a more casual chat. The heterochromatic male's presence right next to you was slowly forgotten due to his silence. He felt a sting in his chest. Sure, he's gotten used to not being involved in certain conversations but at the moment he kept his focus on how happy and natural you and Kaminari talked. He felt a longing to be able to laugh like that with you for some reason.

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