15. 回復する - Kaifuku suru - recover

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回復する - Kaifuku suru - recover


You fluttered your eyes open and sat up. You woke up in an unfamiliar room. You turned around and saw a large window and the walls were white. By getting a glance at the furniture and the bed you were in, you figured you were in the hospital. Before you could question yourself on why and how you ended up there, the memories of yesterday flooded you. A few bandages were wrapped and placed around you, the most obvious one being in your leg from the cut.

When you were just about to get up, a knock was heard. "Come in" you replied, the door opening, to reveal a nurse.

"Ah, i'm glad to see you're awake Ms. L/n" the nurse said. "I came here to check on you and you have a few visitors" she said and stepped aside. Before you could look to the side and see who was coming in, you were immediately tackled, arms wrapped around you.

"Sir, i think you-" the nurse tried to cut in.

"Y/N! Do you know how worried we had been?! Why did you do such a thing?!" your father scolded you. You flinched from the proximity and the sudden noise. "D-dad, space please" you said making him back away. You were finally able to look at the rest of the people who entered. It was a dog headed person and Miruko. Your eyes widened.

"Miruko, i'm so sorry!" you apologized. She sighed, "it's fine, however i was worried sick to where you went." she responded. "However, before your father and i should and can have a word with you" she paused, glaring at your father, who seemed to have forgotten the plan. "This man wants to speak with you" she said, motioning to the dog headed man.

"Nice to meet you Y/n. I'm Kenji Tsuragamae, Hosu's chief of police, woof" he introduced himself, your eyes widened at hearing his name. 'Police? Crap'

"Don't worry, you aren't in trouble. Woof. You may be wondering about the Hero Killer. He's in treatment for his numerous injuries. Woof. However, even if you had managed to capture him, you had still broken numerous rules along with your other UA student friends. Woof. In normal circumstances, breaking a law like that should be punishable to both the offenders and their trainers, Woof." he said, looking towards Miruko.

"But-" you were about to protest but your father tapped your shoulder. "Hold on Y/n" he said, you calm down and sit properly.

"Just as i said, in normal circumstances. Though, you and your friends were able to capture the Hero Killer. So i, along with the rest of the people in Hosu City, thank you. Woof." he bowed then got up. "We had placed the story under Endeavor's name, him being the person there anyways, in order for U.A's name to not be stained and for you to have no trouble" he said, you nodded and bowed.

"Thank you" you said.

"Also" the chief decided to speak up once again. "We found one of the Nomus limping. We did an examination on it and it seemed like the function of the limbs in the lower areas had stopped working. I believe your quirk is Futile correct?" he inquired.

You tensed up but nodded anyways. The chief sighed, "there was immense damage done by the Nomus and you helped us and i must say i'm impressed" he said. "However your quirk... it-" the chief was going to say something.

Your father cleared his throat and cut him off. "I think i should talk to you about that Tsuragamae." he said. The chief nodded.

"Anyways, i've got to go, i have to explain the news to the rest of your friends" he said and walked out, leaving you with Miruko and your father.

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