The Mystery of the Note

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The knock on my Maths classroom door startled me, making me look up. Matt stood in the doorframe, looking a bit sheepish.

"Miss Crawford? I have been asked to take Brianna Maxwell to the Library. May I do so?" His voice was polite enough, and I contemplated if I should listen to him. I still hadn't forgotten the letter I had received yesterday. I had thought it over and discussed it with Nikki, and both of us came to the conclusion that it was both childish and scandalous. To leave it like that on my desk? Where anyone could pick it up and read it? What would it have done to the reputation I was trying to build up?

I wanted to stay sitting down at my desk, pretending I hadn't noticed he was there, but the teacher ushered me out in a way that I couldn't possibly ignore.

"I wanted to clear some things up." Matt said quietly, after the door had shut behind me. Hesitantly, he took a few steps away from the room. I followed him in an equally hesitant manner. "The most important being that I didn't write that letter."

My head jerked up, eyes widening. I could feel my confusion brewing again, my eyebrows raising up in curiosity. Upon seeing my interest, Matt stopped walking and faced me, placing the letter gently into my hands.

"I don't know where you got it, but I understand your reaction. This was..... an interesting read, to say the least." He huffed out a laugh. "Nevertheless, I would never write something like this. I'm not- I would never."

I watched his face, eyes darting over his nervous but truthful features. I realized that he wasn't lying. He shuffled a bit on his feet, running a nervous hand through his hair.

"I realize how that must have made you feel." He continued, gesturing to the letter. "But I wouldn't have done that. I would still like to apologize. I hope it didn't ruin the way you see me."

I felt my face turn hot all over again. Matt remained planted where he was. I fiddled with my fingers, looking for the correct words to say.

"I have to say, I'm relieved you didn't. And you don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. But the question remains," I added. "if it wasn't you, then who wrote it? It was your handwriting."

Matt pursed his lips a bit in thought. "It was in block letters, right?"

I nodded slowly, still thinking. "Yeah, it was. I know you write in block letters - based on your work in form the other day - so I jumped to conclusions. But everyone can write in block letters and make them relatively equal to yours."

My eyes caught movement behind Matt's back, making out the sight of sandy-colored hair just before they disappeared around the open door. My ears perked at the sound of a muffled little laugh. Oh no.

I let out a laugh, shaking my head and running a hand down my face. Matt studied me, looking confused.

"What is it?"

I smiled at him. "I think I know who wrote the letter, Matt. And you need not worry anymore. I'll deal with her myself."

His lips nudged up a bit at my words, raising an eyebrow. "A girl?"

I nodded sheepishly. Matt laughed and shook his own head.

"Makes sense. I hope you tell them that it was a cruel prank to play on us." As he turned around to leave, he paused briefly. "Oh and for the record, maybe look into how- and why- they know about.... all that." He gestured to the letter still laying in the palm of my hand. I felt my face burn, nodding jerkily and Matt gave me one more smile and a wink before walking in the direction of the science classrooms. I sighed, leaning against the wall once he left.

That Taylor Heart was going to have it tomorrow. I couldn't be too certain that it was her, but she had seen me and Matt together that first day...

Sorry! This is a short chapter as it is mostly a filler. Expect the chapters to be MUCH longer than this from now on! Don't forget to comment and give me feedback - I really appreciate it!


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