Cat and Ally in Trouble

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My blissful period of sleep was harshly disturbed by the alarm clock. Feeling my way across my bedside table, I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock, causing it to go silent, mutely ticking away the seconds. I rubbed my eyes heavily as I slid out of bed, landing quietly on the carpeted floor. Can't afford to wake the rest of the family up at six in the morning... and I doubt they'd approve of this anyway...

Silently reaching into my wardrobe, I pulled out the running clothes and shoes that had been gathering dust this past summer.

Pulling on my ankle socks and quickly lacing up my pink trainers, I stealthily crossed the room, creeping towards the stairs...


I froze: I knew that voice. "Go back to sleep, Nikki. It's just me – I'm going out for a run before school."

"I'm a light sleeper. Are you really going for a run at six in the morning?" My older sister, Nikki, asked heavily, rubbing her eyes. She was pale and thin, with the look of someone who spent more time studying and reading than sleeping or going outside. Her eyes were perpetually rimmed with shadow, and her brown hair was a tangled mess around her gentle features.

"Yes... it refreshes me and wakes me up. Just go back to sleep." I repeated, trying to keep my voice friendly. As much as I hated to admit it, me and Nikki have never really gotten on as well as you'd expect sisters to. She used to find me annoying. I now find her overbearing and nosy - can't she just let me live my life, without trying to embarrass me or sticking her nose into my business?

"Are you sure you're allowed to be out this early in the morning?" she asked blearily.

"Absolutely," I replied quickly. "Now just go back to sleep – I can take care of myself." And without another word, I noiselessly slid open the door of the house and crept out. Well, that was easy...

The morning was cool and misty, and I could smell the rich vegetation, so different than the smoky odor surrounding the neighborhood of the school. I swallowed hard as I carefully stepped on the wet grass, and with a single deep breath, I began to run.


I panted heavily as I staggered up the front steps of the house. Damn, think I pushed myself too hard on those hills... should have taken more time to adjust to the conditions...

Clutching the stitch in my chest, I shoved my way through the door and made my way back towards my bedroom. Checking my battered watch, I sighed with relief. It's still early – my family still wouldn't be up yet, and if I'm careful, I should be able to stretch and get ready before my parents notice I was gone...

It was deserted in the upstairs hallway, and I breathed another sigh of relief. I had time. Quickly moving to the center of the dimly lit room, I dropped to my knees and started doing my cooldown workout and stretches. I can't rush this, I thought to myself as I stretched my calf muscles..

Finally, as I was completing my last set of push-ups and was thinking that I might actually be able to finish my workout in peace, I heard a voice.

"I told you I was a light sleeper, Brianna."

I slumped against the floor and smiled. "Your loss then, Nikki. I'm not stopping my new years resolution with only four months left, just because you can't sleep through it."

A distinctly irritated-looking Nikki emerged from the doorframe of the room, her red-and-white silky pyjamas gleaming in the dim light.

"What time did you get up this morning?" she asked, looking at me strangely.

I rolled my eyes. "You don't want to know. Anyway, I'm going to shower and get ready for school, and I'd advise you do the same if you are averse to going to classes in silk pyjamas."

Dork Diaries: Brianna's First YearWhere stories live. Discover now