Where's Ally?

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"Let's just try to think rationally," I said. "We need to stay calm. There could be a perfectly good explanation as to why she isn't here yet."

"And what would that be?" Cat snapped at me.

"Weren't her parents threatening to keep her home after that incident with Miss Heart yesterday?" I asked, ignoring the way Cat had spoken to me.

"Yes," Cat confirmed. "But then she messaged me later saying she was told she'd have to go in and face the consequences, as well as to expect a bad time at home for the next fortnight. She told me that she was coming."

"Okay," I shook my head up and down. "Maybe she missed the bus and got lost, as she hasn't ever walked to school. We can't do anything until after school anyway. None of the teachers look like they are in distress."

"What do the teachers being in distress have to do with anything?" Cat snapped again.

"I think what Bri is trying to point out," Matt said over Cat. "Is that if something bad had happened to Ally, we would see it reflected in the school staff. None of the teachers look upset or even bothered. Most of them are smiling and talking to each other either in the staffroom or the corridors. If something bad happened to Ally, they would not be acting that way. They would be more sombre."

"What if they don't know that something bad has happened to Ally?" Cat stressed. "What if they don't know she isn't here? What if she's hurt? Why am I the only one who cares?"

"You are not the only one who cares, Ally," Matt countered. "We all care. We all want Ally to be okay, but we can't lose our heads about it. If she was hurt, the Head would tell us. We all know Ally can be a little flighty and so can her whole family. So until we have any information at all, because right now we have none, we need to stay calm."

"I know you're upset," I emphasised.

"It's just that she was supposed to be here," Cat cut in, stressed again.

"I understand," I patted her on the shoulder. "We just, we need more information."

Cat looked at Matt who was adamantly nodding his head in agreement.

"We will go straight to the Head after first period is over if Ally hasn't turned up by then." Matt told her.

"What if they won't tell us anything?" Cat pushed.

"Then we can write Ally a letter or send a text message and see if she answers," I suggested.

Cat huffed, realising nothing was going to get done about it right then.

"You need to eat," I said to Cat in a kind tone. "Won't do you any good to be hungry. Goodness knows you only get meaner the hungrier you get."

"Bri is right," Matt agreed.

Matt, Cat and I ate our free breakfasts quickly and didn't really talk too much. I was nervous not just for Ally but for Cat as well. No matter how many times I wanted to believe that nothing bad happened to Ally, I couldn't help but to think about the ramifications if something bad did in fact happen to her.

Soon enough, once we were all stuffed, we stood up to leave. Cat and Matt went to question the teachers. I watched as my two friends ran up to a slightly taken aback Miss Dyson.

"Please, Miss Dyson..." Matt pleaded, using a slightly-higher tone of voice that usually sent teachers into ecstacy.

"Yes, Matthew?" Miss Dyson asked, smiling down at him.

"Ally. She's missing from school this morning and we are pretty worried about her, as she's never missed a day off school in her life. Do you know where she is?"

"Oh, no. I'm sorry, Matthew. I do not know where she is. Maybe you should ask your form tutor?"

Matt looked dejected and Cat looked close to tears. "Alright, thank you Miss Dyson. We will do as you say!"

Miss Dyson smiled once more. "Yes, have a good day."

The two walked back up to me. "Miss Dyson doesn't know. She told us to ask Miss Heart." Cat remarked, scowling. "As if I'd ever ask her anything!"

I shrugged. "We may not have a choice. I'll ask her."


As it turned out, I didn't have to wait until classes to ask Miss Heart about Ally. She burst out of the staff bathroom as we were heading down to LA2 with ten minutes to spare before the bell went to signal the start of lessons. She looked back at us, turned on her heel and began to walk briskly towards her classroom.

"Miss Heart!" I caught up with her, "Wait! I need to talk to you. It's about Ally."

"Really?" Miss Heart replied, sneering. "What?"

"Where is she?" I fumed.

"Not coming in, for some reason." Miss Heart shrugged, obviously not caring.

I huffed and walked away from Miss Heart so that I didn't lose my temper with her and earn a referral to the office. I went straight back to Ally and Matt, who were lingering at my locker, which was nearby.

"That did not go well at all." I muttered furiously.

"What did you expect? It's Miss Heart we're talking about here." Cat pointed out. "Don't forget we have her for form in a couple of minutes."

We all groaned, especially me. "She'll be extra hard on me for that little chat with her."

"Maybe she's got a meeting or something today..." Matt said hopefully.

I sighed, "Doubt it. She never goes to her meetings."

We began to walk to form, where we saw that we did indeed have Mrs Heart for form - and she looked furious. I groaned inwardly and stood at the doorway with Cat and Matt, reluctant to go in. We probably wouldn't have gone in either if it wasn't for Taylor.

"Hi, Matt!" She squealed, jumping up from her seat and rushing to the door, bringing the entire class' attention to us.

"Uhm, Hey Taylor." Matt mumbled, going red from embarrassment and rushing to his seat.

I groaned and followed him. Of course Taylor would make a beeline for Matt. It was no secret that she had a crush on him. I just wish she didn't; it makes my crushing harder.

"Nobody?" Miss Heart said, bringing me back to the present. "Well, then."

I listened half-heartedly as our teacher lectured us about sociability and charity. As if Miss Heart could care less about the unfortunate.

"Now, everyone take a piece of paper," She held up a box, "And write your name on them. This will decide who is taking part in the Connection for Charity programme."

We each took a slip and began the tedious task of writing our full names on them. When the bell rang - which wasn't long afterwards - I put my slip of paper into the box and left the room.

"I hope it isn't me." Cat commented as we made our way to our lockers.

"I think everybody probably wishes that, too," Matt laughed.

I stayed silent. I had no idea whatsoever what they were talking about, nor did I care. I couldn't stop worrying about Ally.

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