boss part 4

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"Daniel I can't," you whisper pushing on his chest.

"Why not baby I can make you feel so good," he says connecting his lips to your neck. His hands snake down to your ass squeezing lightly. "Isn't that why Zach left?" He slowly starts pulling up the dress.

"Daniel stop," you say pushing him.

Daniel was supposed to be the sweet guy he had been. Its like something clicked inside of him. His eyes filled with lust. Daniel steps closer yet again, his hands hold your waist as he backs you up to the wall.

"Daniel please dont," you say trying to push him away again but him being much stronger doesnt move.

The door swings open and Daniel is pulled off of you and on the floor. Corbyn?

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR HER SAY NO?" Corbyn yells at Daniel. He just glares at him.

"What the hell!" Daniel groans.

Before you could stop them Corbyn was on top of Daniel throwing punches. You try to pull them off of each other as they both get there hair pulled and fists to the face. If things couldn't get worse the doorbell rings.

You quickly run to the front door opening it. A guy stood holding two pizzas the name tag reading Jonah. The guys yell from the bedroom.

"Umm did you order pizza?" Jonah asks awkwardly swaying on his feet.

Daniel runs past and out the door to his car. Corbyn comes to the door blood running down his busted lip and a bruised black eye.

"I did," he says handing the pizza guy his credit card. Jonah swipes it then hands us the pizza. Corbyn thanks Jonah closing the door then locking it.

You place the pizza on the kitchen counter then tend to Corbyn. Placing a towel on his lip he groans from the pain. He brings his hand up holding yours that is holding the towel. His knuckles are bruised and bloody as well.

"Corbyn you didn't have to do this," you say running your fingers over his knuckles.

"He was going to take advantage of you y/n! I don't know what I would do if I wasn't here to stop him," Corbyn genuinely says.

"What are you doing here?" You ask putting the towel on the counter and sitting next to him.

"I know I couldn't make it up to you I wasn't there for six years but I wanted to try so I ordered pizza and brought some movies," he says standing up. Corbyn opens the pizza boxes revealing a cheese and a pepperoni.

"I hope we can still do that?" He asks.

You just stand up and grab a slice of pizza and plop down on the couch. Throwing the remote to Corbyn he smiles. He hooks up a movie and joins you on the couch with a slice of his own pizza.

About an hour into the movie Corbyn yawns putting his arm around you. Feeling tired you just lay your head on his shoulder.

"You look cold in that dress you should change," Corbyn whispers about to get up.

You groan pulling him back down. He just chuckles. Corbyn takes off his hoody and you judt change in front of him. His eyes go wide as you slip on his hoody.

"You have seen me naked before why are you surprised?" You giggle laying back down next to the blonde.

"Its just your so beautiful," he says making you blush. You hide your face in his chest before before looking back up at him. You look at his lips then his eyes. This time you kissing him.

The front door opens, Zach and Gabbie come in making you pull away from Corbyn but his arms still around you.

"Y/n? Where's Daniel and why is he here?" Zach asks setting Gabbie down.

"He's gone and not coming back! Corbyn helped me so you can nock off your attitude not a bad guy," You say leaning back into Corbyn.

"Whatever if he hurts you again im not going to be there for you because you didn't listen to me," Zach says leaving again. Probably to go to Jacks house.

"Gabbie come over here theres someone you need to meet... your daddy."

But also your daddy ;)

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