XX. [Epilogue]

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"They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

After Chris' eyesight miraculously restored, he and his fiancé at that time, went to an ophthalmologist to discover what caused the miracle to happen. Chris never received treatment or underwent any surgeries because he thought it was hopeless due to the diagnosis of his blindness. He didn't like false hope, so he refrained to avoid disappointment because disappointment was what led to heartache, and his heart had broken enough over the years. The ophthalmologist was shocked by the resurgence because Chris' injuries were severe. When the grenade exploded, he flew into the air, his delicate nerve fibers bruising due to the force of impact, his brain bouncing back and forth. Although his brain trauma was something to be extremely alarmed about, his vision loss caused more concern. He had optic nerve damage, which caused him to have optic neuritis. His optic nerve was inflamed because the nerve vital for good vision was damaged. At first, he had blind spots, but over time his blindness became permanent, or so they thought. Chris' vision was continuing to improve, so if he kept taking care of himself, his ability to see freely would be his reality for the rest of his life.

He couldn't be happier, and it showed throughout Robyn's pregnancy. From talking to her stomach late nights to painting the baby room in a Looney Tunes theme, and when they went for Robyn's appointments to hear the ultrasounds and see the sonograms of their daughter––– something he never thought he'd witness. Once their healthy baby girl was born, Chris couldn't stop looking at her. Sitting by her cradle, as she slept at night, or sleeping with her held close to his heart. He found love all over again, and it was due to the one he found love with first. He never stopped thanking God for them and having the privilege to see them.

"Faster, Daddy! Faster!" The giggles of the little girl grew louder when the pace of the swing was what she wanted. His daughter was one of the things he felt he did right in his life. She was his pride and joy; a carbon copy of him and adopted most of his personality traits. Looking just as beautiful as her Mother––– he considered himself lucky, but blessed more so.

 Looking just as beautiful as her Mother––– he considered himself lucky, but blessed more so

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He looked down at her and smiled as they walked home hand in hand. "Coconut, you know you pigeon toed just like Mommy." Her big brown eyes sparkled, and her light dimples came through as she tilted her head at his comment, he loved seeing his daughter's smile, it made his heart skip a beat when she did.

"Honey, we're home!"

"Hey, Pooh, and how's Mommy's baby?" His twin climbed onto the couch and crawled over to Robyn. Soon, her giggles filled the room as Robyn tickled her after whispering something in her ear while sharing her ice cream.

As he watched, he thought of how happy he was to have a love to call his own––– his wife was as fulfilling as a cup of tea in the morning, and as intoxicating as a glass of red wine in the evening. She was his heart, and because of her never wavering love, he gave her and their daughter the love he never received.

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