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"It's just that I feel so sad these wonderful nights. I sort of feel they're never coming again..." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

"Domino, motherfucker!" Everyone at the table groaned as Chris happily slammed his last domino on the table. He remembered playing with Mijo back in the days during their free time in the army. Since then he never played since it brought back bittersweet memories. Playing with him was Leandra, Melissa, and Noella––– the four inseparable establishing a strong bond since the day they met.

Close family members were in attendance to welcome Robyn back home and to welcome Chris into the family. Everybody loved him falling for the charm she fell for. Robyn would gaze at the sky at times wishing her grandmother and little brother were alive because she knew they would have loved him, especially her little brother he always wanted a male role model since their Father was absent mentally, physically, and emotionally. Though everything was good, the changes in Chris' demeanor towards her Mother saddened her–— he was always nervous around her and kept his distance. She hoped that before they left their relationship would be repaired, so he could have the chance to have a motherly figure in his life.

"Damn, Chris, slamming the domino like you Caribbean or some shit. We need a break because clearly y'all don't know how to play Dominos allowing him to win every game." Melissa huffed rolling her eyes

"I got y'all running from these ass whoopings."

"Like you got Robyn running from the dick." Robyn gasped and threw a Domino in Leandra's direction as she sat next to Chris. He felt a small hand touch his palm and smiled. "Is that Her Majesty?" He took her from Robyn's arms kissing all over her face hearing her giggles before she returned the same affections.

"Wow, Chris stealing my baby from me."

"She loves her Uncle more than you Auntie OhNaNa, right Majesty?"

Robyn pouted. "No, Majesty. Tell your uncle that you were my baby first." Majesty looked between Robyn and Chris for a few seconds then patted Robyn's hand before resting her head on Chris' shoulder.

"Traitor." Robyn playfully crossed her arms but smiled seeing how comfortable Majesty was with him, even more so how natural Chris was with her. It made her think about the future, but the thought was fleeting.

"Hey Chris, how have you adjusted to... you know..."

"No need to be scared, Ella," He gave her a warm smile. "I think I've adjusted to it well. I do wish I could see because you can't have a beautiful woman like Robyn on your arm, and not want to see her, you know?" It was something Chris was still trying to adjust to, and he seemed to be making strides, but he did feel he was missing out on so much. Sometimes beauty needed to be seen as well as felt. Feeling the change in his attitude, Robyn rubbed his back softly. Soon the girls were called in the house to help cook, so Bravo became the replacement in the game.

"Gramps, can I ask you something?"


"I've been thinking about proposing to Robyn for the past week. I want her to be my wife, but I don't know if I'm the one that should be her husband. I have so many doubts, how did you know you wanted to get married?"

Bravo grabbed both of Chris's hands. "God knows yuh da one fa her or he wouldn't ave placed her in yuh life. Yuh will be a great husband, don't tink otherwise."

"Thank you, Gramps. I needed that."

"Bravo can yuh give Chrez and I di table, please?" Bravo nodded hugging Chris upon his departure. "Yuh been avoidin' mi. Mi don't want yuh to tink mi don't like yuh, Chrez."

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