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Mornings are actual shit!
And to top on it, it is Monday morning..!!
After having that very nice barbecue last night with all my favorite people on earth I have to get ready for not very nice school!
Actually school is not that bad though, but still I have got that immense hatred towards it, don't know why!

After I did whatever I wanted to and went towards my car I had flat tyre..like seriously can life get much better??
Yeah it totally can because my very stupid excuse for a friend just texted me he won't be coming today ... So basically I've to walk my way up to the school. Wow! Wonderful!
After what felt like a decade I finally made it to the school. The school was as usual. I went to Sam and he had that look of regret and pity on his face. He looked at me and then changed his expressions to happy.
"Hey bro" I greeted him.
"Heya Jace, last night was lit af!" He sounded rather exited.
"What was about that mortified expression on your face before you saw me?" I tried to get it from him.
"Oh I was just missing you!" I knew he didn't wanted to tell, so I just left it and we both walked towards our lockers.
'If it's not the slut trying to be good!' I heard Georgia say to Karol.
'G she is literally just breathing' Karol's only friend Drayton spoke with tons of venom in his voice.
I don't understand why the hell Drayton hangs out with Karol. Like everyone knows she's a total emotion less bimbo. Even though I had a tiny crush on her.. Last year made me think on my choice.
'And that's what irritates everyone here' G said with equal amount of hatred and eyeing Karol with her full of makeup eyes.
I still wonder if her eyes fall due to the excessive amount of makeup she applies.
Karol just gave her a bored look and walked off. Drayton called for her but she just walked away.
I should seriously give Drayton a pep talk about in how many ways Karol is not good for him and how can he do much better!
Being the football teams captain gave you some powers after all.

After that stupid drama near the lockers in morning school turned out quite well.
Hope this goes on this and coming year. I don't want any thing on my way until I graduate!

Yay! Done with one chapter !
It was just an introduction chapter! Hope you liked it!

Vote, comment, love!!

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