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The next few days went in a blur. Karol didn't show up to school. I felt quite responsible for her absence but at the same time I was even shocked. How can Karol be scared of me? Like she was the slut right?
I was on the field practicing when Mia came to me.
"Jase!" She squeaked and wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm training Mia!"
"It never mattered before!"
"But it does now! Leave" I yelled on her.
"Whatever" she flipped me and went away.
Halfway through the practice and Damien started running towards the opposite direction and my vision followed his path.
He was going towards a girl. Not any girl but Karol .
Oh, so she finally came to school.
I don't know why but I wanted her to come to school.
I followed Damien. When I was near both of them, Karol saw me first. She got tensed and waved a quick goodbye to Damien. I rushed and before she left I was stood infront the both of them.
"Listen dude! If you gonna go on about Karol, I'm not interested!" Damien sounded frustrated.
"No! Enough is enough! Karol why don't you just tell him already? Not only him but the whole school?" He was beyond pissed and that was for sure.
But what was he referring to? What Karol wanted to tell?
Karol looked at me with hurt  evident in her eyes and then diverted her gaze to Damien.
He gave her a sympathetic and regretful smile.
*Can anyone tell me what is going on here???*
She left and Damien and I stared at her retreating figure.
We stood there for some time and I had enough of it!
"Damien .you and I. in locker room. right now." I said and started walking towards locker room.
"Bro! But I'm not interested in you like that. Like I'm sorry but I like girls!" He said and walked towards the field.
"Damien I'm not kidding here. You come with me or never come on field again!" That was just a threat, I can never imagine our team without Damien.
He sighed and followed me.
"So... Is this the part where you show me 'things' and I realize I'm a gay?" He tried to joke. It worked though. I chuckled and punched him on his arm.
When we finally made it to the locker room I immediately closed the door.
"Well.. This is getting sketchy." Damien said rather serious now.
"Dam, I want to know what's going on!" I said and he looked at me defeated. He did not say a word so I continued " you know what she has done . You know how she can turn things. You know all the problems you can be in just because of hanging out with her. So why Dam why? I know you don't like Sam so much but she hurt him. She was the reason his wonderful relationship with Beatrice was over. She was the reason Sam cried! How can you forget that?" I was getting pretty emotional now. When Karol came last year I instantly liked her but then again all those things she did made me hate her.
"Jase you do not know anything. Sam is not the victim Jase. Even if I want to tell you I cannot because it's not my story to tell. I'll tell you again, don't be judge mental. Maybe the one you are hanging out with is wrong. No one ever heard to her part of the story! And yes Sam's and Beatrice's relation was never wonderful! I think they both are pretty good actors." He said that and left the locker room. What did he mean by that? Sam is not the victim? How can it be? I remember him crying and trying to end his life. And sam and Beatrice had a good relationship. Right? But what is the thing that Dam knows about Karol that nobody else does!

Heya people! Sry I updated late.
So what do you think about the chapter? It was just a filler tho!
A big reveal coming forward ! Keep reading and keep eating!!!!

Vote, comment, love!!

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