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The bell rang and on opening the door there stood Sam.

"I need water" Sam pushed his hand forward.
I passed him the bottle an he took a huge gulp.
Damien was pale. And so was Sam.
But I won't change my mind this time ,come what may.
We were sitting in my basement and from the time Sam has come I was just bombarding him with questions and all I got in return were lame replies or dead silence.
What was it that they both were afraid to tell me. It kind of gutted me though. Like we've been friends since ages and then also they  can't tell me whatever they are hiding.
"Just tell me whatever it is already. It's like everytime you guys know something and I don't! And I know it somehow I'm doing something wrong due to that fact." I was irked beyond limits.
"Sam just tell him." Damien said through gritted teeth.
Sam visibly gulped.
"Jason I don't know how you'll react but I don't want you to misunderstand me.
I was.... Ugh .. Well ... I.. I-I"
There was a long pause. He took a deep breath and the words which flew off his mouth shook me beyond limits.
"I've raped a girl."
At that time my mind didn't function. Yes we did play girls but we never did it without their consent.
"Wha-at" My voice broke.
"Jason I didn't mean to, I was drunk out of limits and Beatrice was acting all bitch. I was angry and drunk. I wasn't thinking straight. Please don't judge me ... Please." He sounded broken and hurt. I know he was.
"Who was the girl?" My voice was stern.
Sam looked pale beyond limits. He didn't answer me.
"Who was that girl Sam?" I literally yelled this time.
"Karol" his voice came out soft and broken. Maybe I've mistaken the name, I thought to myself.
"Who?" I was confused.
"It was Karol." He said again. This time more clearer.
I swear at that moment I must have looked like a confused pig in distress.
I was shocked was an understatement.
"Is this for real?" I wasn't ready to believe it.
"Yes it is. And that is the reason I despise him." Damien said through gritted teeth.
Sam was about to break down. " I didn't mean to." He said quietly.
"Huh? Didn't mean to? Do u you know what are you talking? You raped her and that stupid girl did not complain. Rather she's been brutally hurt by everyone every single fucking day. Just because of you." Damien was beyond angry.
I just sat there trying to digest everything. All these days I've been hating a girl who was totally innocent. And on whom I trusted was the fucking culprit. Shit. But wait why did she not complain?
Sam was crying and dying inside. His voice were muffled by sobs and uncontrollable tears were streaming down his face.
"Why did she not complain?"
Sam was pale over again.
He was not moving and his breathing was sharp.
"Why did she not complain Sam?"

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