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"Your mother won't accept me," I said and looked at FP. He put a finger on my lips and shook his head.

"She will accept you when she learns that we are together and we are happy with each other"

"You have to marry Gladys," I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I don't love her," he protested loudly. "I love you" he kissed my lips, but when we heard his mother's voice, we broke apart.

"Forsythe!" she screamed.

FP and I were sitting in the bushes so that no one would notice us. Our families didn't like each other. We were like Romeo and Juliet, we had to hide.

"Go now," I whispered and kissed him on the lips.

"I don't want to leave  you"

"We'll see each other at school," I patted him on the cheek.

"I love you" he kissed my forehead and got up. He dusted his pants off the grass and ran to his mother.

From a distance, I saw Theresa hug him to her and lead him straight to their house.

I laid my back on the grass and looked up at the sky. If only FP knew I was pregnant with him ...

"Mom, something is burning!" Betty shouted. I opened my eyes and shook myself. I came back to reality. I had to fall asleep on the sofa.

"Shit," I said and ran to the kitchen. I wanted to make a pie today because Polly asked for it very much, but unfortunately, I burned it.

I took out the burnt food from the oven and threw it into the bin. I sighed heavily.

"There is no food?" Polly asked with tears in her eyes. Oh no.

"No, honey, relax." I dropped to my knees in front of her and looked at her. "We're going to uncle Pop, okay? He's making the best food in town," I smiled and polished Polly's pigtail.

"Yes, let's go to uncle!" Betty tossed her doll, which was playing on the floor and came running to us.

"Let's go" I grabbed my daughters by the hand and went out with them from the house. We got into the car.

"Fasten your seat belts," I asked and looked in the mirror at Polly, who rolled her eyes. "Polly," I said warningly.

"I'm sorry, mommy ... It's just that these belts are uncomfortable"

"But thanks to them you are safe," Betty intervened.

"How do you know this?"

"Daddy told me," Betty said, and I sighed heavily.

"Don't argue ..." I said loudly and my daughters fell silent.

"Sorry" they answered together.


"My three favourite clients!" said Pop, when we entered the restaurant.

"Uncle!" Polly and Betty ran to him to greet him. I waved to him.

"Hi, Pop" I smiled.

"Hi, Alice, how are you?" he asked when the girls moved away from him.

"Good..." I said not very convincingly. Pop noticed something was wrong.

"Maybe you go to sit at the table?" Pop asked and looked at my daughters. They nodded and ran to the table.

"Pop ..."

"Hal is a piece of a bastard. If you need some help, you know you can count on me"

"I know Pop," I sighed quietly. "Will you find a place for one more waitress here?" I asked, and he smiled broadly

"Yes of course!" he said, pleased. "I will give you food and talk to you, Alice. I have to tell you so much. Can you believe that a club is being built in my basement?!" he said excitedly. I smiled surprised.

"You have to tell me everything, Pop!" I answered

"I'll be right back with your food," he said and went to the kitchen.

I sat next to my daughters and looked at them. Betty played with a napkin, and Polly waved her legs and looked around.

"Mom. Why didn't you come to say hello to Jughead's grandma yesterday?" Betty asked. She was very curious.

"I was preparing dinner for you. Aunt Hermione greeted her" I replied with a smile, trying to hide my nervousness.

What would I tell them? That Theresa Jones hates me because she claims I was with her son just for the money? That she hates me for being pregnant with her son? That she gave me money for an abortion so that I would disappear from her family? I'm sure my daughters would understand that...

"And will you say hello next time?" Betty asked.

"Yes, I will," I said quickly and turned my head in a boom. I noticed Pop walking towards us. "Look! Our food is ready" I changed the subject.

"Food!" Polly shouted and grabbed the fork.

Pop gave us food and sat down next to us. I looked at him with a smile. Pop is the most wonderful man I've met. When I was young, he offered me a job in his restaurant so that I would not have to think about family quarrels, in addition, when my father threw me out of the house, Pop found shelter for me.

He stood in my protection when Theresa came to the restaurant and began to becall me from the whore.

When the time to give birth came, it turned out that my son was dead. Pop helped me with the funeral and he was with me all this time. Then I met Hal and ... I found myself here, where I am now.

"Tell me about this bar, Pop," I said with a smile.

"There is a bar door next to the entrance to the restaurant, it will only be open in a few days. The name has not been determined yet, but FP is working on it, "he replied and finally shook his head.


"Pop, is it true?" I asked quietly, trying to control myself.

"It's true. FP has returned to Riverdale and intends to open his business here," he replied, and I sighed heavily.

Why did all this have to get so complicated? The awareness that my old love is two meters below me made my heart beat faster and the butterflies in my stomach were raging. I lost my appetite.

I wanted to get out of here.


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